I'm starting stage 1!



  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Great to see kindred souls here - feel free to add me!

    Starting slow did stage one workout a #2 today. 50# dead lifts from 40# last week, put a bit more weight on each exercise. I guess I could do more but I need bars rather than dumb bells and to get into free weight section of gym!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    Good going everyone!!

    I did my Stg 1 Workout B3 today. Felt a lot better.
    Deadlifts 70lb
    Shoulder press which I hate - was a little easier and better range of motions though I did not increase from last workout (@ 12lb *2)
    Lat Pull down I am happy with :) 75lb
    Lunges, 15lb - was able to get better balance and go deeper without feeling like keeling over :)
    Crunches - did 10 with arms overhead with weight.

    I am really liking this layout. The lesser reps as we increase makes us try going higher in weights. Push our limits.
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    Found todays workout tough, not sure if it was an "off day" or just getting to the limit of what I can do at the moment?
    Weights increased slightly, will be moving on to workout 7 of A on Thursday. Can't believe I am getting towards the end of stage 1, will have to start reading up on stage 2.

    Does anyone else find themselves more tired than normal?:yawn:
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member

    Does anyone else find themselves more tired than normal?:yawn:

    YES!!!!! Holy crap I'm exhausted. I think these new workouts, on top of my twins and not sleeping enough, Is draining!

    I completed A3 today. Squats at 105# but know I can push harder next time. Rows at 80#, then 85# set 2, push ups I went to the floor and was shaking! Step ups with 2-20# dumbbells, and I did straight leg pikes with the TRX.

    I'm feeling stronger already!! I'm doing my best to hit my calories, but it's so much food!! My goal is 1600 daily, even though the book wants me at 1900, then 2200 on workout days. My TDEE -10% is around 1700 so I think 1600-1700 is a good range for me daily.

    Who is following the books calorie recommendations?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Did stage 1 A2 today, made it to the scary free weight side w the trainer. Squated 65#, 60# rows, incline pushups 18 reps chest to bar, 10# step ups @90 degrees, 18 rep jackknife. Forgot to ask about how to set up dead lift bar for Thursday, grrrr, hopefully will figure it out. trainer was emphasizing form and broad range of motion, so I went w that, made sense. Great to hear how everybody's progressing w this. Trying for 100g protein, really hard to get there since I'm mostly vegan. What are others doing w the protein?
  • catdevrandom
    @twinmom823: I was a bit suspicious about following the book to the letter, as it says something like 1900 on non-lifting days and I was scared that was too much! So I'm doing exactly like you, 1600-1700 on non-lifting days (about TDEE-15%) and 1850 on lifting days. Sometimes I'm not able to eat that much! I'm now thinking about getting back to eating some dark chocolate on lifting days to help me with the calorie goal ;) The scale has gone up a bit (57.6kg to 58.2kg this morning, 1.3lbs increase), but it seems like the inches are slooowly going down...

    @sunshinelivel: Go, girl! I'm also super scared of the free weights, especially of hurting my back with the heavy barbell. I try very hard to watch my form but sometimes it feels like it's too much to think about at the same time! Chin up, chest open, tight belly, tight arms,...! But it seems I'm still in one piece, so I guess I can't be doing too bad...

    About the deadlift, I saw a really nice video that explained well the form, maybe it helps you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR4SOwLuVJA

    And about the protein: I was ovo-lacto-vegetarian for 7 years, but I got back to eating fish about 1.5 years ago, when I moved to Italy (otherwise I'd be eating mostly pasta, bread and cheese around here...). Before that, I found it extremely hard to get enough protein to gain muscle in a vegetarian diet. I'm sure it is possible, but as a student in a tight budget in a foreign country... it was just too much for me :( Even now, eating fish, I find it hard to get the 120g of protein I am aiming at, and I regularly take whey protein, at least once a day in breakfast. Friend me if you want to see my diary! Oh, are you taking any protein supplements?

    Have a nice day everyone!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    @catdevrandom: thx for suggestions, appreciate it! I've added some salmon and shellfish maybe 1 time a week plus the protein powders and bars. Feeling a bit gummed up and missing my veggies, which are low cal but not no cal, so they have to be budgeted and logged. Will take a look at dead lift video. I'm surprised that I've lost quite a bit of strength, but Im at the 15 rep stage, tomorrow advancing to 12 reps I think so can try a bit more weight.

    Haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks - hoping for a loss by next Sunday! :)

    Cals set at 1400, but I've been cheating a bit. Yesterday wasn't hungry.

    Fun to be working on this w others!!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I'd like to join in too if I can! I've been posting on the stage one board and it's like talking to yourself in an empty auditorium over there. I'm doing 1A3 tonight and I'm not excited. That thing is hard! I'm really trying to get these muscles popping before summer though so I'm dealing with it. I'm following the calorie requirements and food plan to the letter for the first half of the program and then if I'm not seeing the results I want I'll start reducing calories. I hope that doesn't happen though- I love food waaaayyyy too much. For those of you almost done with phase one have you seen a lot of changes in your body even if you didn't see a change in weight?
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    Who is following the books calorie recommendations?

    I am not! It seems like too much food for me. and its scary as I still have to lose some more weight.
    I have not lost any weight so far. Gained 2 for the TOM week. I don't feel my clothes fit any better though.

    And the first week I was very sore and exhausted. but now I seem to be doing okay. My leg muscles seem very hard and stiff the day after workouts though.

    Added back the walk/run this week, so will see how that goes. I am trying to eat a constant 1400, may b a bit more on lifting days if I feel very hungry.

    @sunshinelivel I hear ya, getting to low cal veggies like green, cauliflower and cabbage, and berries and apple has been helping me. But for tht, for protein, I rely on quest bars, ON whey , egg and egg whites. I eat these same things almost everyday. :)

    @redlipstickly You are welcome! We are all in stage 1 here @ different workouts A and B. Feel free to chime in!

    I will be doing A4 today. Will let ya know how it goes
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    I guess it depends if you have got a lot of fat or not??
    I do have a lot of fat, but I am amazed that despite still having far too much fat the definition of some abs is coming through.
    What I have noticed is that I am getting a proper waist and that the muscle is much harder and I am smaller than I think I should be. I am lifting as heavy as I can and pushing it each workout and as a result completely shattered and in bed at silly o clock. :yawn:

    Good luck
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    I did my A4 workout today
    Since my gym does not have a squat, I switched to dumbbells.
    35lb * 2 for squats - found them very hard and my palms hurt :( Time to may be buy a pair of gloves!
    Push ups - incline push ups - I wish I could say I found them easier, but I found my arms really tired today somehow. Just managed to do 12*2 inclined - on the step
    Rows - 90lb I surprised myself as 80 from last week seemed too light this week.
    Step ups - 15 lb with 6 raisers were OK, compared to last workout
    Jackknife 10 proper with toes on the ball all the time, even bringing it in was easier.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I guess it depends if you have got a lot of fat or not??
    I do have a lot of fat, but I am amazed that despite still having far too much fat the definition of some abs is coming through.
    What I have noticed is that I am getting a proper waist and that the muscle is much harder and I am smaller than I think I should be. I am lifting as heavy as I can and pushing it each workout and as a result completely shattered and in bed at silly o clock. :yawn:

    Good luck

    Great progress! Are you eating as many calories as the book is telling you to? I'm about 30% bf give or take a few. New Rules is the second lifting program I've done so I came in to this with the beginnings of definition but I'm definitely seeing it continue now. I said I was going to do the first half of the program eating the way the book said and then evaluate my progress and adjust if need be. I guess I'm just looking for someone who is eating according to the book for reassurance because I really like eating all this food
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Did A2 last night. I actually should have done this workout last week but my first one was so hard that I avoided it. I decided to stop being such a pansy and actually get the workout done and I'm so glad I did. When I did A1 I couldn't do all the reps and even had to lower the weights that I was doing them with. This time I upped my weight across the board and did all my reps. I watched myself doing squats and realized that I have a tendency to lean over when I do them but when I squeeze my butt and press my pelvis forward I have perfect form every time. Excited about the progress I'm making and glad I sucked it up and just got it done.
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    Workout A7 today
    squats 60kg (132lb)
    Pushups - 17 std (did more than I should as I am also doing a push up challenge and today was 17!!)
    Barbell bent over row 42kg (92lb)
    Step ups 15kg (33lb)
    Prone jack knife 20

    I'm afraid I have largely ignored the nutrition side - I have tried to increase my protein considerable, eating lots more eggs, meat nuts etc but I am following the 5:2 diet, so two days I have 500 cals and the other 5 days I have 1800 cals (give or take). Once I get to a healthy weight I will concentrate on the nutrition as well.

    Good luck
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Workout A7 today
    squats 60kg (132lb)
    Pushups - 17 std (did more than I should as I am also doing a push up challenge and today was 17!!)
    Barbell bent over row 42kg (92lb)
    Step ups 15kg (33lb)
    Prone jack knife 20

    I'm afraid I have largely ignored the nutrition side - I have tried to increase my protein considerable, eating lots more eggs, meat nuts etc but I am following the 5:2 diet, so two days I have 500 cals and the other 5 days I have 1800 cals (give or take). Once I get to a healthy weight I will concentrate on the nutrition as well.

    Good luck

    holy crap - you go! that's a lot of weight to squat. totally impressed. my next work out (today or tomorrow) i'm in the 12 rep range, so time to increase weight.

    redlipstickly: what program did you do before this?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    what's with the way MFP lets you quote? didn't show my reply very well. *shrugs*
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    B4 DOWN! Deadlift 105# But I'm gonna go heavier for B5 and push myself. Lat pulldown 1st set 80#, 2nd set 85# which was perfect weight for 12 reps. Shoulder press 25# Dumbbells each hand, really hard but I did it! Can't see myself going up for a while with that weight. Lunges I used 25# dumbbells for first set, then switched to 25# plates. Easier to grip. Swiss crunch arms above head with 12# medicine ball.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I have a mom's night out party tomorrow night and I'm gonna do my best to stick to my diet, maybe allow one drink :)
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    6 workouts into stage 1. Did B3 last night. Did 70lb dead lifts last night - had to grab a pre-weighted barbell since I couldn't find any clamps for the squat rack bar. Was nervous to pull more than 70 off the rack where the barbells were. I know I could do more but having trouble feeling comfortable in the free weight section of the gym. Should I just suck it up and pay for personal training every time?!
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    6 workouts into stage 1. Did B3 last night. Did 70lb dead lifts last night - had to grab a pre-weighted barbell since I couldn't find any clamps for the squat rack bar. Was nervous to pull more than 70 off the rack where the barbells were. I know I could do more but having trouble feeling comfortable in the free weight section of the gym. Should I just suck it up and pay for personal training every time?!

    I just did B3 also, not B4~ Glad we are on the same workout! I would only pay for the trainer as long as you feel you need help with the proper form. That's our most important job is to teach you form :) I promise you will feel more comfortable after a few more times. And just think, most people in the gym are too busy staring at themselves in the mirror LOL.