Day 9 - Valentine's

concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
Hooping will be this afternoon, since I just did an hour of Zumba, but I keep hoping that the earlier we get the threads going, the more participation we will get :~


  • wyodawn
    wyodawn Posts: 217 Member
    I'm going to try between work and dinner if the husband works later than me. I hate to make him my scapegoat, but we have a small space and I haven't kept up with the 30 day challenge because I'm driving him nuts with hooping while he's home.

    Happy v-day hoopers!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Well, I picked up the hoop and got in a pretty good streak in each direction, but no real work on anything new today.

    They were cleaning out the neighbor's apartment, and I think they stirred up some allergens - I really thought I had the flu, until I realized that my ear hurt and I didn't have a fever, so it must just be allergies with aches from the new exercise regime.