Ok so I totally stole this topic from the message boards, HA! But I think it is a great topic to discuss here in our group. As folks who decided that WLS was the way to go, we often had or have to convince people that it's the RIGHT decision for us.

How does your significant other support your weight loss efforts?

Did it take some convincing to gain their support?

:heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!:heart:


  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I was waitlisted in June of 2012. I waited 19 months until I finally got in to my bariatric program. During that 19 months, I started making changes, because I knew I was going to have to anyway once I got into the program.
    During that 19 month wait, I didn't say a WORD to my husband! LOL! I was kinda nervous about how he would react. I assumed that he would think I was crazy, and he'd talk me out of it.

    I went to my first appt with my clinic Jan 15, 2014. I made up my mind that day that I was going to do it. I was going to prepare for the surgery. I signed all the waivers, and filled out all the forms.
    I still hadn't said a word to my husband.

    I was actually trying to figure out a way to have the surgery without telling him HAHA! (He's not big on surgeries in general) That was my biggest worry. What he was going to say.

    That night I came home and he asked how my appt went (I had told him I was going to see a obesity specialist so I could get onto a weight loss program and finally lose this weight) I told him it went well. Then I told him that I was going to most likely need surgery.
    He wanted to hear all about it, so I told him about the sleeve, I gave him the book that I had recieved so he could read up and ask me any questions.

    He has not once tried to talk me out of it. He said he would support me 100% in whatever decision I make. His only concern was "how much is it going to cost" LOL (Thankfully my ins covers it all, so nothing)
    He also asked how long i'd have to be in the hospital. I told him he didn't even need to stay with me, just pick me up when i'm ready to come home. He said "Ya right, i'm not leaving your side!"

    Thoe only thing I asked of him, was that he please not tell anyone. I'm not ready to go public yet, because I don't want opinions from people trying to talk me out of it. Especially HIS mom. She's 100% against WLS. He said "It's nobody's business" and said he wouldn't tell anyone EVEN his mom. And I do believe him.
    I will probably tell her eventually, when I feel the time is right. Then again, I might not. We will see, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Every week we watch "my 600lb life" together. He's very interested in everything i'm doing. I've been walking everyday, he hasn't come with me yet, but that's ok, I like to be alone and listen to my music and clear my head. I overheard him telling his brother the other day that i've been walking everyday, even in the rain LOL (cute)

    Overall, he's awesome. He's letting me make my own decisions, and he's following my lead as far as how much info I want to give out to him or others.
    He's a keeper <3
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    That's Awesome!
    I am getting ready to go out (it's our anniversary today)but I will post later our stories are very similar though.

    Thanks for posting! :heart:
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    That's Awesome!
    I am getting ready to go out (it's our anniversary today)but I will post later our stories are very similar though.

    Thanks for posting! :heart:

    Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a nice night out!

    (We just celebrated our 19th year on Feb 4)
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I am a spouse of someone who had sleeve surgery, and I totally support my husband. Maybe I am too much of a mother hen sometimes, i.e. "Are you sure you should eat that-it might make you sick", and "You haven't ate since what time?!", or "You really need to get more protein". People have been noticing more and more that he is losing weight (50 lb. in a month!) They ask him how he's doing it, and when he responds with that he had the surgery, people are like, "oh". I get so mad because they don't know how hard this is, and what a long process it was to get to this point. Others have been supportive, though. it's about 50/50. He has seriously been thinking about this for 4 years, and finally decided that he was ready. He had tried different diets and exercise, but nothing stuck. Then he hurt his back and definitely couldn't exercise. He says that I inspired him because I've lost 70 lb. in a little over a year, and that is very humbling to me. To think that I encouraged him by losing weight myself.
  • Happy Anniversary! My husband has been supportive, but a few times before the surgery, I felt he was trying to talk me out of it. I wasn't hearing it. I had to convince him to change his mind. I had him to look at how unhappy I was, I couldn't take a few steps without breathing like I was running a marathon. Eventually he came around, but he still had some issues with my weight loss, he's afraid that I'm going somewhere because I'm 100lbs less...*sigh* I've had to reassure him that after 17 years together, 14 years this August we will have been married, I'm not going anywhere, he has loved me at almost 500lbs and he still loves me at 378. I hope we have another 50 years together! :smile: