First things first: Introductions!

Hi guys,

It's nice to see other people on board, it's much more motivating than doing it alone.

So before we weigh in tomorrow, could every one outline their goal that they want to achieve 10 weeks from now?

Mine: I just entered my third half marathon race and want to beat my personal record and run it under 2 hours.

For that I need to be in top shape and as light as possible :)

Goal weight is ideally 59kg, but let's see what 10 weeks can do!


  • My goal is to become lean and gain muscle right now I weight 140 pounds I would love to get down to 135 it's been hard because I don't know if I'm gaining weight or muscle or what but I'm pushing myself in order to reach my goal!
  • jobell2355
    jobell2355 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! I have been running, eating about 90% clean and doing some other outdoor activities for a few months now. With that I've managed to drop 11 lbs. so far.

    Tomorrow I start the 10 week T25 program. My goal for that program is to drop at least 10 lbs. and build more lean muscle. I have to take my measurements and everything tonight and I have a certain pair of jeans I hope to be in by the end of the 10 weeks as well.

    I happened across this group and it seemed perfect since T25 is 10 weeks. I definitely want to have support during the process because with most things I'm all gung ho at first. I'm pretty motivated though so I'm feeling confident.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Hi Everyone my name is Kathryn from South America, (Spanish speaker here). I weigh 119 lbs. 22% bf.I want to drop 7% body fat, to reach 110 lbs. 15% be lean, tight, toned and get rid of any cellulite i have.
  • Its great to see high levels of motivation at the beginning, the challenge is to keep going and stay focused all the way through and help each other out when the process seems endless... If you come across motivational videos or advice, dont hesitate to share. Try to log in your progess every day, it will force you to be honest with yourself and see how well/badly you are doing.

    Set daily goals and don't plan too much ahead (as I often do), one day at a time is the way to go. Plan an exercise activity for the following day and stick to it. You'll feel guilty letting yourself down and hopefully try not to repeat this.

    I am excited to get started and have already prepared my meals and protein shakes. Bring it on!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I am Jolee and I am from Canada. My goal is to try to get to 135 in 10 weeks and look tone.

    I am struggling her as I lost 8 lbs and am starting to pick up my bad habits again. Hoping this group to keep me focused.

    I do running but not training for anything specific, if I can I will try to run and half marathon but not stressing to much if I don't.

    All I want to do is look fit and fabulous.

    I run 3 days a week, and the other 3 days I cross train with the eyliptical (spl). But I hope to start running 4 days a week weather permitting.
  • Hi Jolee, it's ok if you don't have a specific event goal, getting fit and healthy is a good enough one :P I'm a running enthusiast too but have been held back by the weather which has been stormy in the UK for the past 2 weeks with strong winds and rain that made it impossible to even be outside.... am hoping to get 3 runs in this week. Here is to success :D!
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    My name is Jodi, and I am also Canadian ( northern BC) Jolee! Small world :)

    I have been focusing on clean eating and doing a workout six days per week for about a month, although I have exercised on and off in the past. I'm not too focused on losing pounds, but definitely would like to see some of my body fat be substituted with muscle!!! Specifically, my goals for the next ten weeks are:

    1) Complete daily food diary entries and get exercise six days each week.
    2) Fit (nicely) into size 28 jeans (currently in a 29/30)
    3) Look ravishing in that dress I bought last summer (without sucking it in!)
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jeannette from Pennsylvania. Been looking for accountability buddies this seemed like a great place. Lost some lbs using MFP in the past but haven't engaged groups or message boards very much. I wanted a place to engage other people focused on specific goals. :)

    In 10 weeks, see a 5-7lb drop on the scale and an some inches (numbers that I'll measure tomorrow). Get the tone back in my arms and some junk I picked up over the holidays off my body.

    Part 1: Get back into my morning fitness routine. I used JNL fusion DVD's or Jillian Michaels for toning and cross training. I'm a runner and these workouts keep injuries at bay. When I'm short on time 2-10 minute DVD's.
    Part 2: Get back to running 3 times a week and get registered for 2 races in May. Been out 2 times last week. :) Want to get back to sub 8's by April. Fingers crossed running 7's before summer.
    Part 3: Track my eating on MFP again, got out of the routine and I know it works.

    cheer other's along too of course. Any other good groups people recommend?
  • My name is Nicole (from Texas), & I need to lose between 10-15 lbs. I believe. I don't have a set number; it will just depend on what I look like! My goals are of course to stay within my calorie allowance & to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes daily (except the weekend) using a medicine ball along with high intensity aerobics. My BIGGEST struggles are: figuring my dinner calories, as I cook for my family of 5, & staying on track when I am eating outside the home. Within the next 10 weeks, I would like to be down 10 more pounds. Do any of you cook/eat separate foods from your family?
  • Hi everyone !

    My name is Sandra, also from Canada (small world for real!), Montreal to be exact so first language is french. Mmh so where do i start? I always wanted to lose these last 8 pounds, went as close as 2 pounds away from my goal weight, but never reached it... This time im really motivated to achieve this. I started to go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week and eat clean for the last 6 weeks but the scale didnt really move... Oh well ! At least im feeling good !!!

    For this 10 weeks challenge id like to

    1) lose these last 8 pounds
    2) lose 2 inches from each thighs
    3) looking good for summer time :D

    And maybe complete a race this summer but we'll see !

    Btw, petite girl here, standing at only 5ft1, would be nice to know if anyone else's in this situation !

    Really excited to get started :)
  • AllisonAugustyn
    AllisonAugustyn Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm from Seattle. Haven't tried a group before, thanks for letting me join in! :)

    Looking to drop 5-8lbs in 10 weeks. Goals to get there include: (1) strive to eat cleaner, (2) increase aerobic exercise to 5 days week minimum, (3) complete my two new Jillian Michaels DVDs (Killer Buns and Thighs and Ripped in 30).

    I currently log on MFP, 1200 calories, eat back my workout cals, 1lb loss/week, although I'm so close to ideal weight that I am losing slowly and gaining weight in muscle. I don't eat fast food, pretty good on healthy foods and calories, but don't meet my salt/sugar macros. I'm 5'7", and the last time I weighed myself I was 155.

    I'm 20 days into JM 30 Day Shred and it's awesome, also go to spin class 2x week and do one long bike ride on weekends. I try to walk 5 miles day, cumulative.

    I'm doing a 50-mile bike ride in June and climing Mt. Kilimanjaro in October, so I'm starting my training NOW!
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Nicole!

    Some thoughts on food prep with a family in mind... I usually prepare a completely different lunch for my toddlers and myself. They are gluten AND dairy intolerant, and picky eaters to boot. Usually my lunches are composed of leftovers or something quick like a veggie wrap.

    At suppertime I usually make a huge and tasty salad and take a massive serving of it first, then if I'm still wanting more I have little bitty servings of the main course, which is usually more hearty to please my husband and kids.

    I've found planning meals a week at a time and going grocery shopping once a week makes a world of difference. It took a little work the first couple weeks, but now on my fourth week and it's SUCH a breeze! I just pick meals from old meal plans and throw in a new recipe here or there. Then I zip through the plan and figure out my shopping list. Voila! The mental anguish that is meal prep is gone! :) Oh, and making extra big batches of things like chilli, soup, etc. makes it even easier for future meals! It feels like cheating, I love it.

    Hope these methods of mine might help you with your family too!
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi I'm Karen I live in the midlands in the UK. I'm 4 weeks into my weight loss and fitness challenge and have joined the group to keep me motivated and focused.

    I gained a lot of weight last year and I want it gone! I'm being sensible with my food, cutting out the junk, and eating enough to give me the energy to spin my *kitten* off 5 times a week (at the moment that's my thing due to terrible weather in the UK).

    In 2 weeks time I will start running again 1 year since I injured myself doing a 10km cross country run......I miss the running but I admit I am nervous about starting again

    Please add me if you want to, the more the merrier!
  • Hey guy! Another Canadian here! From MTL

    It seems I've been trying to lose 10 pounds since I was born. I could never get past 5lbs, then again I've never ate clean & workout simultaneously :ohwell:

    My goals:
    Be able to run at 6mph for 15mins straight (I could only do 2 mins right now lol)
    Build my quads (I want them to POP in summer :laugh: )
    Maintain clean eating and caloric intake <1700
    Lose 1 inch of my thighs (today: R thigh: 22.5 L thigh: 22.1)

    I didn't put a weight in there because knowing my body type, I may gain weight :tongue:
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Howdy from sunny South Africa

    I joined this challenge because I need to commit to a 10 week high intensity training period before my next fencing competition. A start on Monday 24 February and the next competition is the first weekend in May.

    My workout program will involve the schedule worked out with my coach which includes 2 gym sessions per week include 10 min cycle and a swim or gym class, one walk, two club fencing sessions and three fencing drill sessions at home. I'm upping the drills to 5 per week and adding T25. So basically I will do workouts every morning and evening on Monday-Friday, using Saturday to catch up if I missed any and Sunday is rest day. Week 9 will be a walking week as we are doing a long beach walk to raise awareness for penguins (about 20kms per day for 6 days).

    My main goal is to get fitter but I'm also keen to lose some of these killer grams so I will keep choosing the healthy food options most of the time.

    My measurable goal is to get all scheduled workouts in and stay within a reasonable calorie budget 6/7 days a week at least.