How long unti you saw results

I am totally 100% freaked OUT by EMWL but I am determined to give it a real try because eating even 1500-1700 calories for me (255lb woman, desk job, workout 3-4 times weekly mix of heavy weights/cardio, 5'10) wasn't shifting weight over the past few months. I thought of eating less but everything I read just keeps telling me I'm not eating enough. This goes against every single thing I've learned as an over weight person my entire life so it's just hard to wrap my head around it. I am eating clean as well.

I'm working with a trainer at my gym who has done the TDEE/BMR for me and I've had it done by two other people which all points to I shouldn't ever be eating less than 2k. So with all that in mind, how long did it take you to notice results (on the scale) once upping your calories? I actually saw a GAIN this week, which again, freaks me the hell out, but I'm sticking with it.

I'm seeing a difference in how my clothes are fitting and that makes me feel awesome but that damned scale, which is the devil, just isn't cooperating.


  • jodie3134
    jodie3134 Posts: 60 Member
    I can't wait to see some response on this question... our numbers/situation are very similar. I'm 5'10 240 lbs with a desk job and work out 5 days a week (Weights or cardio). My target according to MFP is 1600 calories... which I have been sticking to. I've lost 4 lbs in 6 weeks. So frustrating!!! I'm doing what I should and not seeing the results. I have a lot to lose! I'm considering upping my calories, but am afraid.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I can't wait to see some response on this question... our numbers/situation are very similar. I'm 5'10 240 lbs with a desk job and work out 5 days a week (Weights or cardio). My target according to MFP is 1600 calories... which I have been sticking to. I've lost 4 lbs in 6 weeks. So frustrating!!! I'm doing what I should and not seeing the results. I have a lot to lose! I'm considering upping my calories, but am afraid.

    I think 4lbs in 6 weeks is fantastic! I've literally stalled at 255 (plus and minus, normal fluctuations) for the last year.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I started to see results about 3 months in; in measurements, definitely not my weight. That hasn't really gone up or down by all that much. I consistently dieted for three years prior to finding StrongLifts and EM2WL, so after my "newbie" strength gains, I stalled with the weight on the barbell, because I was still eating low (~1,400calories) for just too long. I guess I had lost a bunch of lean body mass over those years.
    I'm eating more now in an attempt to raise the barbell weight.

    If you're scared of gaining, don't be.
    I ate at my TDEE for a month, gained about 4lbs, but was able to increase my DL by 20 lbs! A small victory, but nevertheless!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So make sure you are wrapping your mind around the truth you really did understand, and the information about yourself you didn't really know.

    You must indeed eat less than what you burn daily.
    So starting at baseline - what you used to eat and what you used to do prior to any changes. That's what you compare to.
    Eat a little less, move a little more - accomplished.

    But you have no idea of that baseline level, do you, so you are comparing eating more to current level of already eating in a diet - not what you used to eat prior to starting a diet.

    So really, do you have anything to compare to?
    If your full experience of calorie levels is what you've been trying to eat right now, then what do you really have to compare to?

    Also, really wrap the mind around what matters.

    Scale went up in 1 week, but clothes fit better.

    What do people see?

    Or are you wearing the scale on your back, with signs stating what prior and current weight are for all to read?

    As to 4 lbs in 6 weeks - that's great. Unless the math said it was supposed to be 2lbs weekly, in which case including the initial water weight loss means your logging is probably sloppy on the food side.
    Because you probably didn't get your body to adapt and slow down that fast, unless you were in diet prior to starting MFP, just not counting calories.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I wasn't eating a very low calorie diet but I was eating at my BMR (and not eating back exercise calories). When I upped my calories to follow EM2WL, I lost more weight almost immediately. The same when I reduced my cut recently to 10%, and started eating closer to maintenance - lost more weight almost immediately. Every body responds differently though, and it depends on our dieting history, genetics, metabolism, how much we train, how active we are outside of workouts.

    I will caution the same as anyone on the public forums would - weight loss is NOT linear. With strength training you will hold more water weight, and you may also see temporary gains from upping calories. Stay off the scale for a while or realise that scale number will fluctuate, trust the numbers you have calculated and eat those calories. Carefully weigh and log your food. Take your measurements. Enjoy eating more food, enjoy your strength gains, and take this time to nourish your metabolism. EM2WL isn't about getting results fast -- I've lost a lot of weight following this philosophy, but how we eat and how we train is always an experiment with our bodies. My weight loss has also slowed as I've gotten smaller. Over December - January I ate close to maintenance, lost just over 2kgs, but my body changed dramatically from lifting -- body recomposition. Each time I've upped my calories has been a leap of faith, and I've been able to heal a disordered relationship with food, but it has been scary, each time.

    You're on the right path -- following this method and philosophy will set you up to lose weight, and maintain your weight. I understand you feeling freaked out! This is also exciting, your research has led you to a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight, and you'll continue to learn, about your body, and your health.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks for all of your wisdom and kindness! I'm in this for the long haul and have successfully kept off my first 50lb for the last two years (during/after receiving mental help for eating/food issues) so I feel mentally ready for this next step in so many ways but keeping that "voice" that shouts "no, starve yourself" quiet can be challenging. I haven't been dieting over the past two years, so nothing restrictive, just normal, every day eating like a normal, sane person. not obsessing, not shaming myself, not binging and not hiding and eating. None of that stuff. Nothing has been "out" of my regular diet and no foods were taboo. It was just really all about learning how to have a normal thought pattern around eating and food. It took a LONG time getting here but I'm here, finally. My mind is so much more quiet and peaceful and I feel in control and empowered. I'm just the type of person who likes to know when things are going to happen or stop happening, if that makes any sense to anybody. It makes me feel more calm to have a timeline, even though I know it will be an individual thing for me.

    My goal is to be in the best shape of my adult life by time I've 40 (so 2.5 years from now) and I am well on my way there. I am stronger than I think I've ever been both physically and mentally and I have a whole team of trainers cheering me on in the gym and a bestie that works out with me 4 times a week. I have an excellent support system in place!

    I really appreciate your responding! I'd love to hear more stories of when you saw results and how it all played out for you.
  • I started 2014 consciously eating more because I did a fitness challenge in the Fall and followed a "cut" to drop weight...then I got stuck in that low-cal mindset thru Nov-Dec (minus a couple days of feasts Lol), so I started January eating approx 1800ish cals (I am 5'3", 135ish, workout 6 days a week - lifting heavy 4/5 days, cardio other day(s)....I have a desk job).
    I stumbled upon EM2WL mid-january and bumped my cals up to about 2000ish (ranged from 1950 to days where I was closer to 2300 because of hunger!) I gained maybe 2 lbs through mid jan-mid feb and just this past weigh-in on Feb 15th, I was back down to what I started at Mid-Jan. Soooo hopefully I am on a downward slope....I guess you could say it took me about 4-6 weeks to see the scale move in the right direction. It's different for everyone though. I only want to lose about 10 lbs but I care more about measurements/how clothes fit anyway!

    Just be patient and avoid the scale if you will get frustrated by an increase!