Week 7 - How's it going?

I hope you’re enjoying our Biggest Loser Challenge. I hope that you are seeing some awesome results, results you envisioned for yourself at the start. If you aren’t though, if you’re not progressing as you thought you would, please don’t be discouraged! This is a process and it is not an easy one, no matter what anyone says. It takes discipline, it takes commitment, and it takes, in not small measure, some sacrifice. But you know what? You have been at it for seven weeks now! You have shown up! Maybe you’re making some healthy changes in your daily routine that are becoming habits! Maybe you’re exercising a little more than you were, or are eating your meals a little more conscious of what’s on the plate. All these little things are adding up and will make a difference – if you’re doing them. Don’t get discouraged by not seeing huge losses. By doing these little things you are setting yourself up for big, positive changes, I know it! Congratulations!