Where do you live and where & when do you exercise.

risskie Posts: 203 Member
Hi EVERYONE!!! :drinker:

I put up this topic because I live in Maine and ANOTHER snow storm is headed our way today :frown: I am sick to death of the these storms - 5 this month alone ~ I won't even mention how much snow we ALREADY have...:grumble:

The biggest hang up for me is finding the time and the PLACE to exercise. I love to walk but the sidewalks are snow covered and icy. I also work from 6am to 6pm, so daylight is marginal. I've thought of heading to my gym, but I keep talking myself out of it, mainly because of the late hour, hunger and it's in the opposite direction of my house. The winter weather has taken it's toll on me and my attitude!:sick:

I've turned into a weekend mall-walker, but I get distracted by the current sales going on and I'm thinking lots of people are using the Mall to walk as the weekend crowds shopping/walking in the mall make it difficult. :mad:

I would love to see how the rest of this marvelous group is tackling this issue - to give me (all of us) more ideas on how to get over exercise 'funk!' :smile:


  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I live in Northern Virginia and have recently had issues with winter weather as well. My wife and I both on average spend about 5 or 6 hours a week in the gym. We do a group training class 2 or 3 times a week. However, that class hasn't been run since Tuesday last week due to weather. So, we haven't actually been to the gym since Weds last week.

    However, some suggestions would be:

    Do a workout in your home. You can get videos on Youtube such as Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for free. There are dumbbells required for those, but you can use something like bricks, or gallon bottles of water instead. It's a pretty good workout!

    Another note on exercising in your house, there are many things you can do that don't even need equipment. Calisthenics (body weight exercises) such as pushups, front planks, crunches, or squats, are all good things you can do that don't require equipment. For example, try this workout: http://www.fitsugar.com/Gym-Free-Interval-Workout-19073935

    Why not go outside and walk through the snow, or even shovel the snow? I burned a few hundred calories on Thursday shoveling show last week. Don't have a driveway or sidewalk you say? Why can't you just make big piles in the backyard? Build some snowmen while you're at it! Basically the idea is to get you moving and sweating!

    I work 7 AM to 4 PM, so I do have some extra time compared to you. However, if you try you could fit it into your life. You have to make it a priority if it's something that you want to do. There are many times, like today, where I don't want to go to the gym after work. I start making excuses not to go. I then think about what happens if I don't go. About what would happen if I make excuses everyday and never went. So, I force myself to go to the gym. I tell myself, that once I'm done with my warm up, and then 10 minutes of my cardio I can leave. However, once I'm there, and I've invested 20 minutes, I tend to do the last 30 minutes. Not once have I left early after forcing myself to go. And you know what, I feel all the better for going and staying.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am fortunate to be living in Southern California where weather is not an issue. I work 7-4 and I go to the gym right after work. I am able to get there before it starts to get super crowded. It's also very close to home which is super convenient. Sometimes I want to just be outside and get some fresh air, so instead of the gym I will go to a park that's near me and walk a few laps, it's .9 miles for one lap.

    Going to the gym after work has just become automatic for me. I even get up on the weekends and go early, which is hard for me because I am not much of a morning person, but I started the habit and fortunately it's been sticking. I always feel good afterwards though, I get the exercising out of the way and the day is mine.

    For some reason, I find it hard to get motivated to exercise at home. I have in the past worked out at home in the past, and I have some videos I really like, but maybe I would feel differently about it if my options were limited by weather.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I'm on Long Island (Eastern) and work in NYC so not only does the weather suck but so does the communte. That said - I have just made it a commitment MUST to get to the gym at least 3x per week. Most weeks I am getting there 4 or 5 times.

    I started with a personal trainer 3 weeks ago (1 session per week with 3 spereate workouts for me to do between sessions). In addition to the strength training program I walk a treadmill or elipticle.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    That said - I have just made it a commitment MUST to get to the gym at least 3x per week.

    I think that's the important part. You have to commit to make a part of your lifestyle. Do I feel bad that I pick my daughter up from daycare, then put her in the gym's kidz club? Yes, I would certainly enjoy spending that extra hour with her, however I have myself to thing about too. Exercise is a large part of my plan to keep the weight off. If I don't do the exercise, I might not be around to see my daughter off to college or to get married. So, much like DJ, I've made it a commitment to go to the gym at least 4 days a week.

    I think you'll find that things balance out once you get in the habit of doing it.
  • I'm a mall walker and am loving it. But I never go when the stores are open. The mall by my house opens at 7:30 AM for walkers and there are a lot of people - generally older, sometimes with walkers but making the laps! and then heading to the food court for coffee after. LOL Oh yeah, a couple of the food court vendors have figured out they need to open by 8 am for the walking crowd. :)
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Minnesota, In the metro area we have had 4 fft of snow so far, in northern MN where we weekend there has been 8 ft of snow . my answer is Snowshoes,

    I have a treadmill and elliptical and TRX straps at home. I exercise early am, and snowshoe before dinner

    Our schools and sport domes open 5 am for walkers
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Related: I picked up a FitBit Force in January and I use it to track my daily steps, floors climbed and calorie burn (linked to MFP). Just seeing the numbers makes me push to beat my high score or reach goal. Last night I walked around in circles watching the Olympics to make sure I got a personal best 15,000 steps before bed.

    Having the FitBit reminds me to walk throughout the day, take an extra flight of stairs or park further away so I can get my steps.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Related: I picked up a FitBit Force in January and I use it to track my daily steps, floors climbed and calorie burn (linked to MFP). Just seeing the numbers makes me push to beat my high score or reach goal. Last night I walked around in circles watching the Olympics to make sure I got a personal best 15,000 steps before bed.

    Having the FitBit reminds me to walk throughout the day, take an extra flight of stairs or park further away so I can get my steps.

    The fitbit is a great tool.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    shoveling snow will burn some calories :)

    I walk at work on breaks with friends. Fortunately the building we work in is big enough to walk inside when the weather is not cooperative.

    Even though stores are still closed, you can usually get into the mall concourse area before the official opening time. Check with the info desk at your preferred mall.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks for sharing with me, and EVERYONE, the variety of 'things' that keeps you on track!:smile:

    From what you've shared for me/us, the keys to staying positive during the long winter involve commitment and expectations.

    I love the idea of a personal trainer. If someone is waiting/expecting you, there's more of commitment to follow through and an increased desire to improve on what you've previously attained. Even meeting a friend to work out with can be motivating.

    I do have a FitBit and will have to tap more into this little device to give me the boost I'm looking for when exercising on my own. There are so many new tools on the market now that can really help you focus and keep going!

    In the end, those of us who are TIRED of snow, ice and wind chill, know spring is closer to arriving with each passing storm!Reaching and finding that motivation can be as hard as saying no to the wrong foods - WE just HAVE to do it. :wink:

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Christine (Risskie)