Surprised - Not that Hungry

Today I pushed through to 11:30 am before eating. I had a healthy 450 calorie early lunch and a small coffee around 2pm.

Now it is almost 5pm and I am not that hungry. Sure I could eat but I feel like I can control it . I have a nice dinner waiting so I am holding off.


  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Wow, that's good to hear! Keep that up!.


  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    So I'm doing the 10 hour eating window and then fasting for 14 hours.(idepends on how I feel)
    If I'm feeling like I really can do the 16 hour fast, I do the 8 hour eating window. :)

    What about u? Do u stick to the 8 hour window? or do u sometimes change your eating window and fast?
  • I previously tried the 5:2 Diet and didn't see any huge results to continue that plan. After some research, I came across the IF Plan and even my husband is doing this. Our window to eat is Noon - 8 pm and I have seen much better weight loss doing this. :smile:
  • Yes, sometimes I do creep over the 8 hours and I think that is fine as long as you are getting at least 14 hours of fasting. I read somewhere that women do better with a 9 or 10 our eating window.

    One thing that I do find is that I am really enjoying my food - especially my lunch after breaking the fast. i am actually hungry which I have to say prior to trying IF I wouldn't myself get hungry due to constant grazing (and consuming too many calories).

    I also have done a few days of 5:2 and I just found them too hard but perhaps in the future I will be able to do one day (24 hours fast - dinner to dinner) once a week.
  • " I read somewhere that women do better with a 9 or 10 our eating window. "

    I meant to write 9 or 10 hour eating window ;)