Getting started

nikie_grey Posts: 12 Member
This is not my first go around at trying to lose weight, but it will be my last and life lasting! I am over weight and out of shape. So to get my self back into the swing of things with out starting yet another crash diet, I am starting small. I have spent a week tracking my intake and am now working on tweaking it for healthier results. I have started going on 20-45 min walks every single day, no excuse. Rain or shin I am going to walk for no less then 20! I am then going to up the pace and add in Yoga 3 times a week. The aim is to be doing a short job 3 times a week and a 30 min Yoga session as well as my walk every day by the end of March.

I don't want to hurt my self, or start any thing I can't keep up with. I need to slowly work my body back into an active lifestyle. So how are you going to get started? If you are already well underway in an active lifestyle, how did you get started and what advice can you give to others who are starting out?


  • nikie_grey
    nikie_grey Posts: 12 Member
    Starting...Or starting again!

    Well I got distracted by life and let the stress of it interfere with my healthy new lifestyle. No more! I joined a gym with friends. I am hoping with the cost, the company and the resources I will keep my focus. We signed up with the In Shape Sports center in Tracy and it is a stunning establishment. They threw in free tennis lesions, a free fitness session with a nutritionist and are setting me up with a plan for exactly what kind of work out will give my body the shape and tone *I* want. So I have my program all laid out thanks to their expert knowledge and support I am back on track and feeling strong and excited. I know it will be slow for how big I have gotten but I have hope and there are people in my corner. SO LETS DO IT!!!

    So again, all of you out there in Cali, what are you doing or have you done in the early stages to change into a healthier lifestyle? What tips can you offer the rest of us? Any veterans out there willing to offer some advice?