Protein powder triumphs and disasters

Week one on the full liquid post op diet and thought I'd share my high - low efforts with protein powders...

unflavored Unjury, cherry jello and diet Dr. Pepper:
I opened the can of Dr. Pepper and let it sit for a day to go flat. Made the cherry Jello with the boiling water and added the Dr. Pepper as the cold liquid. Then added a scoop of the Unjury and watched in horror as pink stuff rapidly foamed up over the bowl, over the counter, down the cupboards, onto the floor and kitchen mat......... Fail.

chicken flavored Unjury, Trader Joe's Ginger Miso soup and PB2 (powdered peanut butter)
I boiled a cup of water, added a half cup of room temperature Ginger Miso which brought the overall temperature down between 120-130 F, added a scoop of chicken flavored Unjury and 2 TBL of PB2. 12 oz = 26 G protein and tastes amazing..... WIN.

Does anyone else have protein powder stories to share?


  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Nice job with the Dr. Pepper!

    I never added protein powders to soups but did make a habit of adding Nutrilife unflavored protein powder to mashed sweet potatoes. Loved it! My staple was, and still is - chocolate or bananna protein shakes. During the first two weeks I mixed them with water, now I use milk. Some successes:

    Isopure No Carb Bananna -2 scoops, 6 oz milk, dash of vanilla extract, dose of cinnimon (can add a bananna as well).
    Isopure No Carb Bananna -2 scoops, 6 oz milk, 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter, dose of cinnimon (can add a bananna).
    Isopure Low Carb Dutch Choc. -2 scoops, 6 oz milk, 1 bananna.
    Isopure Low Carb Dutch Choc. -2 scoops, 6 oz milk, 1 apple, dose of cinnimon.
    Isopure Low Carb Dutch Choc. -2 scoops, 6 oz milk, 2 tablespoons peanut butter.

    I tend to like cinnimon and add it liberally.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I once didn't wait long enough for the boiling water to cool down and my Unjury chicken soup became disgusting chicken glop. Lesson learned. Temperature matters.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    when i make my unjury protein drinks, i make sure all liquids are really cold. hot liquids glop the proteins every time

    took me a long time to enjoy cool oatmeal with added protein

    unjury has a lot of good recipes on line
  • Rindabu
    Rindabu Posts: 33 Member
    If I ever want to add my isopure protein powder to a hot liquid, i mix it with a small amount of cold liquid first and just add that. It eliminates clumping.
  • Skykilr1
    Skykilr1 Posts: 53 Member
    Just started to make Protein pancakes. Mixed up 2 scoops of EAS vanilla whey protein, 2 eggs, and a bit of cinnamon and Sweet n Low. Made about 3 decent size pancakes. The specs are 310 cal, 40g protein, 7g carbs, 12g fat. Plus whatever you want on it. Fruit, sugar free syrup, etc. Easy to eat but also fills me up more than just drinking the shake.
  • sue100194
    Love the pancake idea but anything I can chew is starting to sound pretty good to me. it's been over 10 days without solid food. I'll be trying this someday soon. Thanks for sharing.
  • sue100194
    Protein powder and sweet potatoes. that sounds like a win to me. Also the banana flavor...especially if it tastes anything like Laffy Taffy banana. I ordered some online and hope it gets here soon. Thanks for the suggestions
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    I got tired of just the regular chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry pretty quickly, so I was initially thrilled when I found the Syntrax Nectar protein powders.
    They have SO many flavors and they had such great reviews. I got some samples, but couldn't stand most of the flavored ones. I did REALLY like the cappuccino and vanilla bean flavors though.
    I still drink the cappuccino pretty regularly... a lot of mornings, I mix it with a half a cup of coffee, a little unsweetened almond milk, and ice and blend it to make a yummy coffee drink for my mornings.
    When I want to be cheap (since the cappuccino powder is about $35), I just get the cheap vanilla powder from walmart and up the amount of coffee in my drink.
    Maybe I should try the others again since it's been almost 2 years since I have tried them, and maybe I just wasn't used to protein powders yet.