What the hell do I do?

lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
In the start of the year I was at 194 I'm now at 180 but thats is it have not droped a pound since I joined the sight. I find myself doing really well with controlling the way i eat and then some thing snaps and i start to eat what ever I want. I do this for at least 10 to 15 mins then stop. I get so upset with myself after but the damage is done. I notice i do it quite offten please help!


  • mclaughlinana
    mclaughlinana Posts: 3 Member
    I think we all do that! Don't beat yourself up.

    Do plan for your next snap ~ picture it in your mind and see yourself making a better choice. Maybe with practice, you'll conquer it :-)

    Good luck!
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    Do you know what your snap point is? So effectively why and when do you head for the cupboard with food? Know what makes it do is half way to the solution.

    I used to do this and I have had to teach myself (wth a numbr of slip -ups) to take that sadness (which was my trigger) in another direction.
    For me going outside for a long walk instead helped. I have also managed to poor the energy into a cleaning frenzy. As said it was hard to teach myself to respond differently and I more than once found myself with a bunch of chocolate on the couch and midway grabbing myself and going outside. After a while it started to work. I never tried to beat myself up for slipping again, just tried again and again and again.
    It was a very hard habit to break and it took me about a year and a half to really brak it (and I still yearn of chocolate when this happens). A lifetime fo training in using food for comfort needed to be broken.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Do you know what your snap point is? So effectively why and when do you head for the cupboard with food? Know what makes it do is half way to the solution.

    I used to do this and I have had to teach myself (wth a numbr of slip -ups) to take that sadness (which was my trigger) in another direction.
    For me going outside for a long walk instead helped. I have also managed to poor the energy into a cleaning frenzy. As said it was hard to teach myself to respond differently and I more than once found myself with a bunch of chocolate on the couch and midway grabbing myself and going outside. After a while it started to work. I never tried to beat myself up for slipping again, just tried again and again and again.
    It was a very hard habit to break and it took me about a year and a half to really brak it (and I still yearn of chocolate when this happens). A lifetime fo training in using food for comfort needed to be broken.

    ^^This. Until you find out WHY you're bingeing you won't stop. Then putting the emotion into something else (I'll have to try the housecleaning tip - I'll have the cleanest house for miles!! :laugh: ) is excellent advice.

    One of the other posters on MFP mentioned setting a timer for 20 minutes or so, then if the craving was still there she could have a measured amount of the craved food - and log it, of course. If the craving was gone when the alarm went off - problem solved! I think dutchandkiwi hit on something else, at least for me. Using food as comfort was something I learned as a kid. Cookies soothed skinned knees, family holidays and occasions were accompanied by tables full of food and I don't think my family is an exception. It's no wonder the US has an "obesity epidemic!" :noway To me the wonder of it is that it's not worse!

  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank You all for the replys. I notice any emotion will trigger this. If i'm sad or stressed after a long day at work or fighting with the husband. I think i will try the cleaning thing to! On vacation this week so hopefuly when i go back to work it will take all teptation away to stand at the fridge and eat everything! Thank you all again!