
daily thread-good luck!


  • Proud to report that week 1 is DONE!! I SO didn't want to do it today, but knowing that I planned to post my progress here, good or bad, got me going. I keep scouring the Internet for inspiration quotes and today's is "There's no shame in being slow, there's just shame in QUITTING!!"

    So with that in mind, I headed out with my lab first thing this morning. Hips and thighs ached, legs felt like lead with every running interval. I finally thought one interval was going to last forever and when I glanced at my phone, I had actually run into my next walking interval by mistake -- the walking interval had only 30 seconds left! The fact that I had just run 2 minutes straight by mistake (and without dying) made me so happy that it actually fueled me for the rest of the workout. So I walked the remaining 30 seconds, did the next running interval (I was tempted to skip it, but I wanted to get back on track with the phone!).

    Hope everyone else has a successful day -- and remember, I define success as just getting out there!!!!
  • Awesome job Greta! I could never run for 2 min, I am impressed!
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Well done! You must have felt awesome realising you'd done 2 mins! :)
  • Awesome job Greta! I could never run for 2 min, I am impressed!

    Thanks, Tracy! Although I think babies could crawl faster than I was going, lol! But I'm waddling on!!!

    (And Acria -- just saw now!!)
  • YAY GRETA!!!!
  • pologirl1
    pologirl1 Posts: 62 Member
    I completed week 1 day 2.

    Great job on running 2 minutes. I am pretty sure I run at a turtles pace as well and look funny doing so. That's why I try to get mine in before the sun comes up. :happy:
  • Way to go, pologirl! I am so glad we have this board to support each other! Y'all are great!!
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Great job, ladies! Today is my off day, but I hula hooped for 10 minutes because I felt like I needed to do something active.
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    rest day for me today, good job everyone.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Just completed W2D2, and felt great. My hamstring issue is niggling away, but not too bad. Stretched and then did 40 squats! Begone my last 5 kilos!
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    "There's no shame in being slow, there's just shame in QUITTING!!"

    Love this Quote!

    Almost didnt do today. I see that others are on a 3xWeek schedule, Is this the norm, not an everyday thing, I dont want to mess up this program. I'm so out of the exercise loop nowadays LOL I did day 1 yesterday and finished up W1D2 today. Polar HRM 270 Calories burned, I feel like it should be at least 400 Ha Ha. Made it through! I put my Treadmill at 2% incline because I usually suffer from severe shinsplints-- heard this could help and hoping it will, if not I have KT tape also, I walk at 3.0 and Jog at 5.0 speed.

    I'm tired now! I need to stick with this!!!

    Update, Just looked ahead in my app and noticed that there are 3 days for the week. So that answered my question, since I started on Wednesday and did Thursday I'll do my next on Sat or Sun :)
  • I just completed W1D1...I face my fear!
  • I just completed W1D1...I face my fear!

    Way to go, girl!! Starting is the hardest part!!
  • I see that others are on a 3xWeek schedule, Is this the norm, not an everyday thing, I dont want to mess up this program.

    Update, Just looked ahead in my app and noticed that there are 3 days for the week. So that answered my question, since I started on Wednesday and did Thursday I'll do my next on Sat or Sun :)

    I found the following list of FAQs that I found helpful as far as scheduling days, what to do if we miss days, etc, etc. It also gives some modification ideas for anyone struggling with week 1 running intervals.

  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    W1D2 done! Lots of fresh snow for me to run on - easier than ice of the other day. So I was going pretty slow but happy to have made it. Thanks for all the inspiration everyone! I have lots of motivation now, but am worried about a week or two from now. Please someone get a hold of me if I don't post for a couple of days :-)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Completed Week 3, Day 3 today...survived.
    Barely. LOL. Can't go any slower or I'll trip over my own 2 feet.
    Kept wondering if the "voice" forgot about me!!

    Using Zen C25K Free
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    I just completed W1D1...I face my fear!

    Congratulations! Enjoy the feeling of pride and accomplishment, you deserve it :)

    As for me, was going to do the third 'run' of the week today, but with the baby the day's gotten away, so I'm going to do it tomorrow. Husband only works half the day so there's a lot more free time about. Starting the baby on his first bit of solids when he wakes up from this nap. Wish me luck ;)
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Well done everyone.
    Finished a crazy week at work, and instead of thinking - oh no, now I have to go to the gym I tried to talk it up in my head as something to look forward to so that I could ace it ......

    So, Yeah, did week four, day 3 -- my big fear is the 5 minute run, but it is fine.
    I love this group and it helps me to think that Iw ill be posting how I am going.

    Good luck all.
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you for the link :) Excellent! :)