been in a rut

creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
I have been in a rut. I don't know if it is due to the weather and not being able to walk outside. If it is just me feeling defeated or what the reason is at this point. All I know is I usually jump on the scale daily and haven't in about 2.5 wks. I haven't cared what I ate. But today I jumped on the scale cause I am noticing I am more tired then normal (need to rest or nap) and my face broke out again. This tends to happen when I gain weight or my dose is off due to weight increase. So after jumping on the scale this morning I realized I am at my heaviest I have ever been in my life. Even heavier then when I was pregnant.

Wake up call....I am can not go on like this. I ache all over and am tired all the time. I hate the way I feel.

Obstacle--- I know in my head and heart I need to change how I am eating and exercising. But for some reason I don't seem to be making the right choices.

Thanks for reading just need to vent


  • CalistaBruno
    CalistaBruno Posts: 34 Member
    I've been feeling in the same boat as you. I can't seem to be losing weight despite exercise and eating carefully. I've been sleeping at least 9 hours a night, sometimes more. It's strange because my dose is high for my weight, so I don't think it is that. I just feel helpless and gross and unhappy with myself despite doing everything the way I should be. I'm going for another blood test this week, so hopefully I will find out what my dosage is doing to me.
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    I am RIGHT THERE with you ladies! Ugh, this blows! Thankfully there has only been a 4 lb weight difference, which seems to be more my water weight issue. I think it's time for me to head to the University of North Carolina and meet with some specialists. Ever since the IV drip of calcium was put in to my heart "accidentally" after surgery I swell 8-10 lbs daily and here lately I just can't breathe because of it. My doctors reduced my diuretic saying "no one needs a dose that high". Now I can't fit in to my work out shoes and it hurts to stand for more than 5 minutes. I have been an avid walker my entire life and this has been so hard. Good luck everyone and I hope we can bust out of this craptastic feeling!
  • WrenPat60
    WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
    I hope you are feeling better soon! What you have been through sound absolutely awful! Please keep in touch.
  • WrenPat60
    WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
    PS: Where is your picture taken at on your ticker? We will be heading home to Washington soon.
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Its a picture of Montana I found online. We will be in WA state this summer. I can't wait!
  • WrenPat60
    WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
    We were going to leave AZ next week but now it looks a trip to the dentist is necessary for my husband before we leave. Hopefully, we will return to Washington sometime before June.:ohwell:
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh no! Poor hubby!