Changed my diet - outstanding results!

I am half way thru stage 1 NROLFW - so I've just completed my 3rd week.
I always had a jelly belly, and muffin top could have been my nick name! I have always worked out and have even done weights training with a PT, but the jelly belly and my muffin would just decrease in size. This time I decided to change my diet to more or less the dietary guidelines laid down in the book - the results have been rapid, I keep looking in the mirror in amazement!!! Who knew upping my protein and fat could do so much (evidently all the body builders out there :o)
I am following IIFYM which sort of encourages you not to worry about getting every meal right, but rather to reach daily targets, which suits me. I am not perfect at this, as my diary will clearly show, but I really wanted to share this, in the hope that I inspire the ladies sitting on the fence about the diet... go for it!
P.S. not logged on MFP for the full 3 weeks, initially all I did was up my protein to the recommended level when I first started NROLFW


  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    good for you! i tend to always be way off, even when i'm trying.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Great job! Keep up the good work!
    When my macros are on target, I feel better and stick to a deficit much easier. That in turn leads to better workouts and better results. While I love my carbs, getting my protein in has been key to keeping me happy while losing!