What are your dietary goals?

charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
I am not sure I have mine calculated right?

What are your daily goals for


I would love to know what ya'll are aiming for to see if I am in the ballpark. I am also having a dang hard time getting that much protein in :/ I did order protein powder and it is supposed to come in today. Hoping that will help.


  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    2000 cals
    35% (175 grams)protein
    35% (175 grams) carbs
    30% (67 grams) fat

    I try to hit this during the week. Then Saturdays and Sundays I am a little more lax with the macros so it evens out to around 40%c/30%p/30%f.

    What will work for you really depends on how active you are other than lifting and what your fitness goals are(gain mass, gain strength, lose fat, etc). As long as you're getting 25%-35% protein or at least 1g/lb of lean mass, you'll be doing good. The easiest way to get protein in is to plan your meals around the protein. Eat 8 oz of meat instead of 4oz(weigh it raw-4 oz isn't much at all!). I try to avoid powders and bars, but use them when you're in a hurry or in a fix. Greek yogurt, egg whites, chicken, cheese, and turkey are my staples.