New and I need any tips!:)

Hello ladies,
I'm new to Fitness pal; I've lost 20lbs since July all I've done is change my eating habits and drinking only water now. In high school I was good about being active, now not so much. I weigh 135 and I'd LOVE to lose at least 10 more pounds. I'm trying new exercises and I have even purchased the hip hop abs DVD, which is really fun, however, I'm lacking in motivation I guess. What are some tips you girls have to keep motivated? I know in the end it comes down to me. I would love any information!


  • yft14
    yft14 Posts: 5
    I personally have found that finding a good active hobby was more helpful to me. For instance, even though I can't afford to go rock climbing every week (much less the 2-3 times it would take to help take the weight off), having a hobby where I can see a difference each time I go because of other training really helps. Then when I'm in the gym or at home, I pick things that help me to climb better next time. It gets really motivating when you notice a specific change in your hobby. Some of my friends love running 5 and 10k races and when they see their time drop it really boosts their spirits. They only go once every 3-6 months, but knowing that the work they are doing at home is going to help them helps add a little more motivation than "being fit" or looking good alone does. Another friend of mine does pageant-like competitions. Not my thing, but for her it really fits her and motivates her to say "no" to those extra few calories. Hope this helps!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I workout from home & it's more of a routine now than trying to find motivation. I set time aside to workout everyday usually after breakfast. It's like cooking or cleaning to me. Set a time of day to devote to working out. Hope that helps!