Eating more starting today!

JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
Hey Everyone!
I was pointed in this direction because I made a general post about how I was afraid to up my calories.
I started MFP about a month ago. I started by limiting myself to 1,300 calories per day, burning around 500 calories at the gym 5 days a week. If I ate back my exercise calories, I would only eat back about 200 of them.
I lost 4 lbs doing this, but didn't see any change in my body. After researching a bit more, I started to eat more, bumping it up to 1500. I didn't lose any weight, but I noticed a change in my body.
I'm between 5'9" and 5'10", 23 years old, female and 173 lbs. I only want to lose like 15 more pounds, but my main goal is to become more slim and toned.
My trainer suggested I up it even more, eating no less than 1700 calories.
This seems impossible to me haha. But I really want a maintainable, healthy diet (and by diet, I mean something long term, not like a diet plan).
Anyway, I've been really struggling because a lot of my MFP friends are eating no more than 1,500 calories. So I'm hoping to have get a few more friends who have similar calorie goals, ideas for increasing my protein intake while being a vegetarian, and any kind of advice or success stories from people who have been doing this before.


  • skip2mylu
    skip2mylu Posts: 10 Member
    This is great! I've been eating more or less at my TDEE and cut for about a week and I feel great!!!! It's actually a lot more food than I've been used to so it's a new habit that I need to form. There is so much good food out there
    ! I've been eating lots and lots of veggies and protein with a few grains thrown in so I know I'm eating clean.
    It sounds like your trainer is thinking along the lines of EMTWL. Let me know how it goes for you!
    I think it's so cool that at your age you are educating yourself about diet and excercise. At 23 I was a total ditz but I'm getting it now lol
  • rlw0031
    rlw0031 Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great! I agree with the trainer to at least eat 1700 calories. You have to find out what your BMR and TDEE is and eat at a slight deficit. Do not be concerned about what your MFP friends are eating, let them eat will be feeling and looking better with more!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like a friend along the way, Sounds like you are off on the right foot! Have you figured out your BMR and TDEE yet so you really know your goals? Welcome!
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone!
    I've calculated my BMR to be around 1620, my TDEE is around 2230 (I say around because I'm inbetween 5'9" and 5'10" and my weight's been fluctuating, so when I used an online calculator and figured it out for both 5'9" and 5'10" and entered in the lowest weight I weigh in at and the highest (172-175) and came up with these.) So I've put my calorie goal to 1700, and I'm going to do this for about a month, see how it works, and then play around with the numbers a bit more.
    I'm feeling better already, way more energy. Thanks for the support everyone!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That's a 24% deficit.

    And you have how much to lose to be at healthy weight range?