Afraid to Start

I'll probably sound like a broken record to many of you... but I'm afraid to start! I've had the C25K app downloaded on my phone for over three weeks now. I opened it once while sitting in bed. That's it. I opened it... and was like, uhm- I don't think so. I HATE to run! I hate, hate, hate it. I have horrible posture, a large bust, and asthma. Moderate walks can put my back out... So many excuses. I have so many as to why I can't start yet. I told myself I'd start after I finished 30DS, and I have 11 more days of that. I'm quickly getting bored with it and I'm pretty sure those 11 days will take another 20+ or so. I want to start now, but I'm so internally conflicted.

I've timed how long I can jog, and it's for a minute and a half. I'm so afraid of looking like a jerkwad idiot, especially because I'd have to do this out in pubic. I can just see people passing by, "Look at that fata**... trying to run. Oh, nevermind, she stopped already." UGH. So many fears running through my head. :sad:

But here's the thing, I WANT to be a runner. I don't know why I have such an infatuation with runners, but I want to be one. I always have been.

I guess I'm not really asking anything, just putting my fear out there.


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I used to hate running. So much so that I would opt to swim my military PT tests over running. Now a year later I have a half marathon under my belt and working on 4 more this year, and going for a full in 2015. I have to hold myself back from running now, less I get an injury.

    You aren't the only person who hated running when they started....I would bet about 90% of the people who go through C25K feel that way at the start. But you go through the weeks and eventually you grow to love it.

    As far as the asthma, I don't know what to suggest other than to read Runner's World's book "Running on Air". It is a book that teaches you how to breath when running, and they have a section in there for asthma sufferers.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ...but I'm afraid to start!

    Understandable, people can be and for very good reasons. You've identified a couple, some that you can do something about and some that are more about attitude than practicalities.

    When I started C25K about 10 months ago I was just comfortable doing the intervals, much the same as you've just identified that you can do. Progression is pretty quick so you'll find that you feel much more comfortable with the running, so it's then just about worrying what other people think.

    Personally I don't let it worry me, people are only seeing you for a very short period in your run, they don't know if you're warming up, flat out or in a recovery interval.

    I was out this morning for a long run, lots of people out walking dogs and the like, it's a nice day out there. Just giving them a nice cheery "good morning" took any heat out of what they might have been thinking.

    Running is certainly something thats worth pushing yourself with though.
  • nh38318
    nh38318 Posts: 124 Member
    I so know what you mean! I had been building myself up to take the plunge since I started losing weight at the end of last summer.

    I could barely run 30 seconds when I finally started 7 weeks ago and I also suffer from Asthma. I completed W7D2 today and can comfortably run 25 minutes without stopping. I use my Salbutomol (Blue) inhaler around 20 minutes before I start out running and it seems to help me. Obviously, you need to check with your own doctor about any medication you are taking.

    It is amazing what your body can achieve when you let it try, believe in the programme. I was worried in the step ups from week to week but managed it fine.

    I run on the treadmill as I have a gym membership and I find the cold weather makes my asthma worse but will be training outside in the summer. I was worried how id look next to the accomplished runners but realised everyone is too busy in what they are doing to look at what I was up to.

    The best tip I was given was to run slow! Build up endurance and then work on speed. I am now running at 5mph which is not fast at all but a little quicker than 4.4mph I was doing at the start!

    Give it a go, im sure you will be amazed by your results. And be warned, running becomes addictive......
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'll probably sound like a broken record to many of you... but I'm afraid to start! I've had the C25K app downloaded on my phone for over three weeks now. I opened it once while sitting in bed. That's it. I opened it... and was like, uhm- I don't think so. I HATE to run! I hate, hate, hate it. I have horrible posture, a large bust, and asthma. Moderate walks can put my back out... So many excuses. I have so many as to why I can't start yet. I told myself I'd start after I finished 30DS, and I have 11 more days of that. I'm quickly getting bored with it and I'm pretty sure those 11 days will take another 20+ or so. I want to start now, but I'm so internally conflicted.

    I've timed how long I can jog, and it's for a minute and a half. I'm so afraid of looking like a jerkwad idiot, especially because I'd have to do this out in pubic. I can just see people passing by, "Look at that fata**... trying to run. Oh, nevermind, she stopped already." UGH. So many fears running through my head. :sad:

    But here's the thing, I WANT to be a runner. I don't know why I have such an infatuation with runners, but I want to be one. I always have been.

    I guess I'm not really asking anything, just putting my fear out there.

    ^^^ this was me last year. Almost exactly. From experience, I can tell you the only way to get over this is to do it. Don't worry about completing the program. Go out. Do the first day. Run as slowly as you can. Tell us how it went.

    As far as asthma...I use my inhaler before races. Do what you need to do. Your pulmonologist will delighted to hear you are running.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I hated to "run" too until I actually learned how to run which was through following the C25k program in the Run Double app. I still smoke, have asthma and a heavy set of ladies too - (smoking is really bad I know) I can run for 30 minutes without feeling tired now. Probably longer if I pushed myself.. I haven't used my inhaler in a long time since I picked up running.

    You CAN do this.. all it takes is you starting your first day. :-)

    We are all here to support you
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Ok, I have asthma too, and knee injury, hip problems and numerous other aches and pains. I would say go for it anyway. It will probably improve your asthma. If you are hurting, take it slower than recommended, repeat the weeks until you feel you can do the runs easily. If it really hurts, see the doc. One thing I cannot recommend too much is to get some proper running shoes. Go to a running shop and have your gait analysed, to get a pair of shoes that is perfect for you. If you have any body ache problems then it is essential to get the right support. You could also do some Pilates on the off-days to improve your posture. This will probably help your back problems too!

    Edit: I am most of the way through BTW, although due to illness and various holiday breaks it has taken me a very long time to get here. I have had to restart a few times, almost from the beginning, but it is definitely worth it. Just half an hour per day, makes the rest of your daily activities much easier because you are fitter. This is true extreme laziness - work out, so you don't have to work hard! :smile:

    Final tip: take your asthma reliever before you go.
  • jbeanv
    jbeanv Posts: 32 Member
    You got this. You can do it! Once you get started you'll wonder why it took so long. I was far from being a runner, did the program last summer and loved it. Burns so many calories and while I still have work to do, I've seen changes in my body for sure.

    Good luck and enjoy!