What have you done today.....?



  • GinaTis50
    Oh mi well done everyone, my 20 min run seems a bit wimpy HOWEVER, this last week I have done it 3 times. I used to run regularly at the gym (some 5 yeas ago) but wimped out on account of painful knees and even more painful gym membership fees. Knees 'n fees!! Knees are still painful but surprising dont seem to be any worse following the running.... my friend is convinced I should 'run through the pain'!!

    Today - swimming, for half an hour. Thats the plan.

    Well done the Brits, just joined the Brit group today.

  • NicksWTB
    NicksWTB Posts: 54 Member
    I did a 9.6 mile walk yesterday and I really ache today - my back and hips are very sore. My plan was to do an extreme spin class after work, but I think I need to rest. I'll be doing a zumba class tomorrow!
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    Walked my goats for an hour

    This is something I have never seen! There is a guy nearby who takes his ferret out on a lead, which causes a doub le take as it is so low to the ground, but I didn't realise goats needed walking?

    I have done a Body Combat class, which I was happy with as I'm at the tail end of a cold, and although I seemed to sweat more than usual I managed just fine.

    The goats don't 'need' walking as such but they absolutely love it.....they get to nibble on a whole different variety of plants and leaves along the way and are very inquisitive of their surroundings. Goats are very intelligent and the walks not only provide exercise but enrichment and stimulation too. You have to have a license to walk goats because of the foot and mouth regulations and it has to be along a prescribed route. The boys, Teddy and Tumnus, attract a lot of attention so the walks can be a little stilted at times as everyone who sees them wants to stop and chat and make a fuss.....not that the boys mind at all!

    Today's exercise....an hour walking the goats and an hour of Zumba!
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    first i stood at the side of a rugby pitch, while my son played.
    Then later I stood at the side of a swimming pool while my daughter had her lesson,
    then i ran 1K for the first time ever. I know its not much of an achievement for most people
    but, if youd seen me try to run for a minute at the beginning of January,
    you would be cheering me on as if id just completed a marathon.
    For the last 7 years I've played rugby, so yesterday was a self=imposed rest day. Instead of letting your kids have all the fun, join them......well not in their actual teams but maybe you should try it out, I've never looked back and am at my fittest now (well still improving):smile:
  • Arachnapheria
    Arachnapheria Posts: 55 Member
    Done an hour swimming laps at the sports centre and a 25 minute walk home.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Have just finished a Body Combat class, and feel fantastic! Having my hair coloured this afternooon and I fancy a change. Not sure what though!
  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    Half an hour of swimming during my lunch break.
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    98 min of road cycling, most of which involved some very long, steep hills lol 1hr or so of gardening and then rushing around doing odd jobs. Its been a busy day and more bruises are appearing from sundays game :laugh:
  • perfectflightisbeingthere
    1 hour yoga based strength class lunchtime, two and a bit hours in the gym tonight.... elliptical, weights, bike to finish.
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    6am this morning Stronglifts 5x5 (really struggling with them overhead presses at the moment) and tonight 7pm 45 Minute Kettlebell Class.....bring it on!
  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    Not much for me today, just a 30 min walk (2 miles) at lunchtime. But better than sitting on my a....!
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    Swim before work and a swim afterwork then sat in the sauna for 30mins BLISS
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    Today will be an hour swim straight after work then 30DS this evening.x
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    Yesterday I ran 8.5miles so only a few more then I'm ready for the half marathon (not bad for a fat lass lol)

    Today I'm hanging round for deliveries and then tonight is rugby training.......in the cold, wet mud lol t'is fun :happy:
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    Yesterday I ran 8.5miles so only a few more then I'm ready for the half marathon (not bad for a fat lass lol)

    Today I'm hanging round for deliveries and then tonight is rugby training.......in the cold, wet mud lol t'is fun :happy:

    Always fancied a go at rugby, but then I think I am getting too old for that kind of stuff.....used to play icehockey and really miss it!!! But again too old to start back up (and then there is the cost of the equipment - used to be a goalie)....

    ...and OMG was that a killer kettlebell class yesterday, I am sure the instructor is making the classes harder (or maybe I am just working harder?) I got out the class and looked like I stood in the shower with my clothes on....not sure if I am doing anything today as feeling a bit tired, but maybe a tiny run tonight....
  • alizamanuk
    mmmmmm might Deadlift today - throw in some chin ups - do abit of squats them flyes oh and triceps..lol
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    30 minute core class and 1 hour "kick" class, same as les mills body combat! :)
    Tomorrow, power class, like body pump.
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    Today is a day off (first in the last 6). So I'm watching tele (unheard of usually!) :smile:
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    30 Minutes Grit Strength & 30 Minutes Kettlebells - the instructor was a bit cruel and 'made me' up my weight to 20kg and then we did lots of clean & presses and squat & presses and then some more push presses with 16kg kettlebell.....thank god its no OHP's tomorrow as I think my arms may fall off :frown:

    But I am leaving the chores till Monday as I have the day off and have to wait in the house anyway in the morning...so I am chilling this afternoon (until I get bored at least - and then prolly do the chores anyway) ....
  • robmac13h
    robmac13h Posts: 44 Member
    30 mins on cross trainer turned into 50 ,might manage e bike ride later although this is supposed to be my rest day