How often do you lift?

Hello all :smile:

I am new to the group and about half-way done Stage 1 of NROLFW. I was wondering how often you lift? I am currently lifting 2X per week, as I run 5X per week in training for a half marathon. But I'm finding that it's taking forever to progress through the NROLFW stages at only twice per week. Also, I'm wondering if my strength gains would go up a lot if I increased to 3x. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

thanks ladies :drinker:


  • Nimroth
    Hello, I am quite new here too. I usually aim for 3x a week (Mon, Weds and Fri), but the last two weeks were just Mon and Fri because I was visiting family on the Wednesdays. But I am not doing any other exercise. Just remember that it's more about progression than an end point, it doesn't matter if it takes ages to get through the programme!
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    Your strength will progress faster if you cut back on your cardio. Thats a lot of cardio in addition to weightlifting. I lift 3 times and week and my trainer says for me to build maximum strength NO cardio at all. I know if your training for a race thats not an option but yuo need to find a balance between the two also giving your body the rest it needs.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Stage 1 takes FOREVER, you will progress greatly in weights though because of the time it takes. Took me 2.5 months averaging 2 a week. Stage 2, I should finish in 3 weeks with 3 a week, but I can`t increase my weights like I did stage 1.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I lift 2-3 times a week depending on my schedule and how my muscles feel. Right now I usually have 1-2 days off each week and use the boring elliptical on the other days, until I can start running again (I have runner's knee). But I only run 3-4mi each time.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I lift between 2-3 times per week, and try and get an extra day of cardio in as well. I will also do a little bit of cardio on my lifting days if I have time.

    Stage 1 is REALLY long, 2-5 are quick (only 8 workouts total), 6 is ten workouts total and 7 is 12.
  • julie_emma1
    Thanks everyone for your feedback! I am really enjoying lifting, and liking the results I've been getting so far (newbie gains, I'm sure hehe). I am considering cutting down to 4 days per week of running, so that I can lift 3 days, but I'm worried how it will impact my race training.

    Probably the best thing to do would be to stop contemplating which schedule is better (5 day run / 2 day lift or 4 day run / 3 day lift) and to give it a try and see how I feel :laugh:
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I try for 3 times a week, but sometimes with my travels, I could only do two.