For The Ladies: 4 Week Bikini Makeover Tips

For the ladies looking to go on a beach vacation for Spring Break/Summer ... here are some quick tips you can do within 4 weeks that could help you aesthetically in 4 weeks:

1) Commit your mind so your body will follow. There is no point on reading below this line if you don't plan on committing to your goal. If not, you'll go a few days and quit. Commit with your mind; it's the strongest organ we have.

2) Lower you caloric intake (depends on the woman of course) but anywhere from 1000-1350 calories a day. Again, this all depends on your body type, weight & height. It's still about diet.

3) Focus on quality of food and not the number of calories! My rule is, if you can't pick it or kill it, don't eat it, so lay off all processed food! Focus on fruit and vegetables and lean meat, fish, poultry. Also, just because you have for example, 1200 calories to take in a day, that does not mean you can eat a cake with 1200 calories and call it a day. It doesn't work like that. You cannot out-run a bad diet. Quality!!!

4) Eat 5-8 small meals a day focusing on healthy snacks as part of those meals: nuts, almonds, grapefruit, seeds, fruts & veg, etc.

5) Drink a full glass of water before each and every meal. This will allow you to feel fuller and at the same time, hydrate the body.

6) Sweat everyday! Do some form of cardio daily anywhere from 20-60 minutes. The key is to burning fat and not burning muscle so stay within Zone 1-3 of your cardio. Don't do too much anaerobic exercises that will switch to burning carbs and muscle instead of fat. Muscle burns calories so don't kill your muscle! Weight training is your friend.

7) Focus on core workouts to tone and tighten: these include planks, side planks, kettle ball exercises, controlled squats, pulley work, etc. Concentrate on every movement; really use your mind. Don't waste a movement. Form and breathing at the optimal time is key. Constantly mix up your routine so you are shocking the body. Don't get stuck!

8) Cut out the sugar! Enough said.

9) 1 week prior to your trip, cleanse the pores and detox and other impurities in the body by drinking lots of water, going to yoga, sauna, etc. 1-2 days before your trip, you'll decrease your water intake to lean out.

10) Once you get there, have a cocktail, enjoy the sun ... you've earned it!

Feel free to share your tips!