General chit chat part 3

Again that previous post was getting very long!!

<original thread here >

<part two here;

I am so glad February is almost over, we are in another deep freeze and I just can't stand freezing! I am so tired of being cold - which you have all heard from me multiple times this year lol!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday :)


  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Paula: pick your poison sounds interesting. I'll look into it sometime this week. :)
    Holly, the winter is almost over and then into slushy and mushy spring. Mud and rubber boots time of year. I'm so excited ... I'm already trying to think of what flowers I'll put in my planters this year and flowerbeds. What am I going to put in my garden beds? Biking the kids to school, and walks around the neighbourhood with the honey. Sounds so nice. Winter is WAY to long here! It doesn't help I've caught the sniffles this week. :tongue:
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Pix, feel better soon. Late winter colds bite!

    I found out I've been put on the list for my first photo hike this Sunday. Six miles if I make the whole thing. I am so excited to get into the NM backcountry!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Is anybody interested in working out? There's a Group called Pick Your Poison" that has several choices. One is a "no impact" workout, which doesn't mean it's easy. It just won't hurt people with joint problems.

    I'm going to do the Arms workout. They need help. I modify the workout, for example, doing wall pushups instead of on the ground.

    Anyway, if you're interested, it's fun to have other people to work out with. Camaraderie, encouragement and accountability...
    I am reposting this from chit chat part 2
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    I’m willing to try the planks but I don’t know how long I’ll last.

    What does partnering consist of?

    I won’t be able do any between the 27th and 6th because of cataract surgery. Don’t want to blow the lens across the room.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Chuck, I haven't partnered before, but I think it just means having somebody to be accountable to and encourage. I love planks. Just can't hold them very long. :laugh:

    These exercise groups are great for motivation! They keep me going, just because I stick to my word when I say I'll do something. Would love to see you there. We can partner with more than one person if we want.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Pixy & Holly, hope your neighborhoods warm up and the sniffles don't linger.

    Dan, your hike sounds fabulous!!!!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Dan - The photo hike sounds fabulous! I love doing that kind of stuff - 6 miles - you can do it :)

    Pixy - I've been looking at flowers wondering what to plant this year, too. Sunshine and biking with the kids seems like a dream right now. Feel better!

    Paula/Chuck - I like the idea of the group - Pick Your Poison. I may join this too! Looking for good motivation in the exercicse department.

    It's only Tuesday and I'm ready for the weekend, sigh :ohwell:
  • hollyla9905
    Thanks for reposting that Paula I am going to check it out! I am also half way to saved for my new treadmill so I am super excited it has been a long time coming :)

    Pixy: I think we can very similar temperatures and weather so I feel you for that mucky slushy spring coming eventually??? I have no carpets in my main floor cause I hate trying to keep them clean lol! Kids track mud all over and honestly my mom is worst for it she refuses to take her shoes off right at the door cause she thinks she will fall down the stairs!!
    Thankfully she is moving out in May

    Dan I bet the hike will be great!!!
    Chuck: I can't stop imagining a lense being blown across the room, this doesn't look appealing in my mind :) hope all goes smoothly with your surgery!

    Clm: after Tuesday Wednesday comes quickly than it's mostly the weekend! Hope today goes quickly for you

    Today I had my lab work... Hope it all comes back normal so I don't have to have any more tests, I really hate them and I know it's not like the stuff hurts but I am a suck!!! I am to young for heart disease and It's really motivating me right now! And my daughter is finally getting her braces off 3.5 years and 6000 later she is almost done! Jordan on the other hand he is just starting with his retainers and may need braces later on! The price of beauty and health!

    Hope everyone had a fabulous Tuesday :)
  • hollyla9905
    A long day, I cannot wait to get bed tonight!

    For a husband who quit the highway he has not been home yet this week! I am hoping for break on Friday!

    Hope everyone had a great Wednesday!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Pix, feel better soon. Late winter colds bite!

    I found out I've been put on the list for my first photo hike this Sunday. Six miles if I make the whole thing. I am so excited to get into the NM backcountry!
    This is so cool! You saw where I went on my first photography hike today? I had so much fun! I'm not very good with a camera, but I enjoy it. It was nice to be able to go with others who know a little about what they're doing. We visited the Dragoon mountains here in Arizona and then we went to see Sandhills cranes...that was exceptional. When the cranes would take off in large groups we could hear their wings beating the air! And there were just so many of them!

    I hope you enjoy your outing as much as I did. :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Paula, the Pick Your Poison thing sounds interesting....and my arms need help. I may join in on that.

    Dan, do you mind if I ask where you are in NM?
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Sigh - :sad: -- because we are forecast for a storm to come in this weekend, my hike has been cancelled.

    Next one I've been able to get on is April 5. I may crash one later this month (March,) just in case they have some no-shows...

    LeAnna, I'm really glad you had a great time. I'm very envious.:ohwell:
  • hollyla9905
    Oh that sucks that your hike was cancelled Dan! Hopefully you can slip into the March one!!!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hey all! my cold is still lingering on. :grumble: But it's liveable.
    I'm sorry about your hike Dan. It sounded like so much fun... I glad there's another one you can get into. So not cancelled, just delayed.:wink:

    Holly, I do have carpets... right next to the back door. Before we even bought the house... hubby and I had plans to yank them out. They look horrible now and we've been here two years now. (steamcleaned it 4 times). It's a high traffic area. I'll probably yank them when the snow melts... hubby pushed it too far. He took my borscht soup to my son's culture day. Dripped beet soup across the entire beige carpet. (Bang my head in the wall!) No hope now. lol!
    My mom is moving out too... she decided it was time. Found herself a roomate for the time being. I fully expect her to be crashing in her room at least once a week. She'll miss us! I'm happy for her, it means she is no longer hiding from life. :)

    So I had an NSV which made me incredibly sad. (So I'm not putting it in the NSV category). My husband got me a wedding band replacement for christmas this year. My original got stolen out of our house in a breakin. I had been pregnant and couldn't wear them on my hands. Anyways... I knew it was getting lose but it was still not going over the knuckle. I was working last night and it fell off. I didn't feel it fall off... it's gone! I've looked everywhere. I couldn't even search the garbage, because I work at the mall and all the restaurants (10) throw the garbage into a giant compactor unit. :noway: The guys I work with... all hunted for it. (they're sweethearts). I'm so sad!:cry:
  • hollyla9905
    Oh my Pixy I am so sorry about your ring I couldn't even imagine!

    I have to say as a person whose mom lives in her basement and is finally moving out this spring after 2 years that it is a very mixed sort of feelings! My mom moved in 2 years ago after a crap divorce and never left! I am hoping that getting out of my house will help her to start living again! Since we live together, and work together it's crazy!!! I don't want to spend that much time with any one person lol!!

    Today was a long day, but my husband finally came for my son around 1130 and I was able to power through my work afterwards! I am off work at 6!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and lots of warm weather
    (We are supposed to have the coldest day of the year tomorrow)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    -37 this morning. :tongue: Kids are on a 4 day weekend because of a teacher convention and its COLD!!!! However I'm going to take that as a positive. You know what they say about March here. In like a lion.... out like a lamb. (Or vice versa) Maybe we'll have nice weather by the end of the month! :flowerforyou:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Holly & Pixy,

    Hope you have slushy mushy soon. And hope you life grants you both some small miracles... We all need them!

  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Same weather here Pixy! So very cold!

    Today I took my teenager to Victoria Secret... Makes me wanna cry! (Sorry to the men in the room)
    Than we had Chinese food, it's on my naughty list but I am being very good so I had some I basically ate less than half my food and than for dinner we had chicken with quinoa coating it was yummy and cucumbers!

    I did not sleep last night because my step kids got up at 130 and 330 and than 630 and once I was up each time I had trouble
    Going back to sleep! Can't wait for bed tonight

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Holly, You don't have to apologize, going into Victoria's Secret often leaves me crying too... :sad: :noway:

    I hope you all are doing well today. I'm fighting the mindless munchies. I am not hungry, and I'm having a hard time diagnosing why I feel this overwhelming desire to feed my face. Something has me nervous. Maybe DW's medical procedure later this week? Ah well, I'm tense and snarly and fighting food.

    There are days like this.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I hate those feelings Dan, hope you found a way to quiet them! I also hope your wife's procedure is quick and she recovers quickly!

    I can feel my bed calling me, and it's only 7 pm! I hope my husband makes it home in time so I don't have to go out again tonight!

    I hope Monday treated everyone kindly! And that no one had to be as. Cold as me today lol!