General chit chat part 3



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I got a new swimsuit on Saturday!! Very excited it is very cute! And Lucked out with a 50% off sale... very rare off season. Got the car finally into the autobody shop... yay... No longer will I have to drive down the street the object of scorn! :laugh: The weather has been SO cold!!! My Mom moved into her new place last night. I helped her move some stuff after I got off shift (-28). She knows how to pick the day. :grumble: She seems ok, I hope it goes well! Hopefully it warms up tomorrow... my eldest has a snowshoeing field trip. If it doesn't they'll have to cancel. :sad: He'll be so upset, he's so excited!
    Dan, I hope everything goes well for your wife. I have the horrible case of the munchies today too... not quite mindless. It's more like the wants!!!!!! Hope it calms down soon!!!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    P1xyn1xy, I also bought a new swimsuit....actually, I only bought new bottoms because mine were too loose. Yay!

    Anyway, I didn't spend much time looking at them before I made my choice. I just grabbed a plain pair of black bottoms and got on with it. When I got them home, I realized I bought a style called "boy shorts". Well, I have NEVER been shaped for boy shorts! And now that I'm in my 50s it's even more apparent these were not going to work. They don't have elastic in the legs!! I have no idea how anyone wears these things! Even allowing for the gravity of age, I don't get it! My cheeks are not built for boy shorts, and I don't know anyone whose is!
    Wednesday I'm going to try again..and I'll be looking closer at the cut!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Pixy I'm glad you found one you like
    LeAnna I hope you do find one you like

    I need to replace my top by the end of the month but I'm hoping I can just squeeze into my old one by then! I don't want to spend that type of money on a new top just to shrink out of it before too long! But I am taking my kids to an indoor water park on spring break and I want to swim with them

    I never got my early bed time last night I totally feel exhausted and hopefully can get plenty of sleep tonight
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly, I didn't want to buy a new one either. Because I don't want to have to buy another one this year. :P I couldn't find my old one and my current was embarrassing. lol! I really like this one though. It's a two piece which is good because I'm a different size on the top than the bottom.

    Leanna, I got boy shorts once, they looked okay in the store but I never felt comfortable swimming in them. They look even worse if wet and a little baggy.

    I was at work the other night and my coworkers don't comment EVER on my weight loss. I find this amusing, disappointing and a relief. Because it flusters me. An old coworker, who quit about 5 months ago came to visit and I was cleaning. And said, "Hi Dom!"
    I just turned and said, "Hey Jordan!" and started to turn back. He blurted out, "Holy @#$%@, You look great!" :laugh: The servers tried to shush him but he's like I'm coming over there to talk to you. He's going on and on about what a great job I'm doing and I look beautiful. Totally flustered me but it was very sweet. A feel good moment! :blushing:
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Awww that sounds awesome Pixy :)

    So today I am working a 1-9 shift and it has been a tough day so far... Woke up late, got kiddo to daycare went grocery shopping came home realized that someone needed to shovel snow, so I did! I'm not actually cleared for heavy work form my doctor but I couldn't leave it! I figure it's like walking but not!!! Than I cleaned inside the house and than came to work! Now I still have a full day at work lol, which is at least half over!

    I have 12 more days till I go back to my doctor and still another 4 lbs to loose, I know she will be happy with what I did so far but I would like to meet her mini goal!

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Pixy, what a great thing to have someone notice and go out of their way to mention it to you. And you now know your co-workers are aware and not saying anything because they're trying to be sensitive. It can be embarrassing, but it's worth it to get that warm fuzzy feeling. :)

    Holly, what a busy day! I have a lot of respect for those of you who shovel snow....that's both difficult and painful! I hope you have a good check up with the doctor.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I posted a topic to my homepage, but thought I'd post it here as I'm kind of needing some help, encouragement, or perhaps an *kitten* kicking.

    For the first time since I started this journey in November I am dealing with a lot of hunger and a sense of apathy. It's not so much a physical hunger, but for the past 3 days it's been getting worse. I feel empty and just want to eat all the time! And I am not enjoying my exercise time so I'm not sticking with it as long as I should.

    How do y'all handle these situations?
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    LeAnna, you are not alone. I'm in a funk right now too. Looking over my log, I've allowed my carbs to creep up, I'm under a lot of stress with a new project of national scope at work, and I feel the old patterns calling me.

    I've upped my workout intensities the last couple of workouts, and hurt myself yesterday pushing too much.

    It is tough, and it is always telling when I start blowing off more than logging a meal now and then. Further, even posting this is difficult. I really want to withdraw. Looking back over my life, I see this as a fairly constant pattern for this time of year. Someone who posted to your newsfeed may have it right, it may be frustration and fatigue from the winter. I really want to get outside again and do something FUN. Walk somewhere that isn't necessarily paved, just get out in nature and find my balance again.

    I know this isn't a help, but know you aren't alone right now. There are lots of us struggling at any given time. There are two things to do as I see it. 1) Try your best to mitigate the damage and 2) Start again with "Fake it 'til you make it."

    Jump on here and pump up others that are down or struggling until you feel better about where you are and then roll with it. The positive outlook is what makes it simple for me.

    The last thing we want to do is slip into the negative cycle that leads back to that bad place where we were!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    Your food diary is closed so I can't see how much protein you are eating, but you should eat between 20-35% of your calories in protean. You might try upping protein to see if that curbs your hunger.

  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Self help comes from helping others Dan is right dive in and offer support even find a new friend who is struggling and soon you will want to do what you say!
    Secondly pick those stay full longer foods, use positive self talk and shake things up and have some fun! Plus yes sometimes it's harm reduction if you make a unhealthy choice find a good one to go with it! You can do anything!

    I love the fake it till you make it! So true!

    Sorry I wasn't around till today had a very busy weekend which I will post about tomorrow :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    LeAnna, you are not alone. I'm in a funk right now too. Looking over my log, I've allowed my carbs to creep up, I'm under a lot of stress with a new project of national scope at work, and I feel the old patterns calling me.

    I've upped my workout intensities the last couple of workouts, and hurt myself yesterday pushing too much.

    It is tough, and it is always telling when I start blowing off more than logging a meal now and then. Further, even posting this is difficult. I really want to withdraw. Looking back over my life, I see this as a fairly constant pattern for this time of year. Someone who posted to your newsfeed may have it right, it may be frustration and fatigue from the winter. I really want to get outside again and do something FUN. Walk somewhere that isn't necessarily paved, just get out in nature and find my balance again.

    I know this isn't a help, but know you aren't alone right now. There are lots of us struggling at any given time. There are two things to do as I see it. 1) Try your best to mitigate the damage and 2) Start again with "Fake it 'til you make it."

    Jump on here and pump up others that are down or struggling until you feel better about where you are and then roll with it. The positive outlook is what makes it simple for me.

    The last thing we want to do is slip into the negative cycle that leads back to that bad place where we were!

    This absolutely was a help to me! And I hope that you will re-read what you posted, because it's wonderful advice. I completely "get it" about the patterns of making progress and then withdrawing. I think most of us here have dealt with that issue. And I think that is a lot of what had me so frightened this week. I feel like this is the time I have to succeed...for my physical and mental health, and honestly, for the health of my relationship. And I can't blame him; it's not about looks. It's about living with someone who is self-destructive, and who chooses food over health.

    I considered a break from logging, because I was afraid I was going off the rails. But I have to practice what I preach. I think I was getting tunnel vision and just trying to hard to reach my goal. I was forgetting my own advice of it's a marathon and not a sprint.

    So, if I have an ugly food day, so be it. It's a day....not a pattern. It's the patterns we have to watch for. And today was a better day. I gave myself a pass and it turned out I did okay.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member

    Your food diary is closed so I can't see how much protein you are eating, but you should eat between 20-35% of your calories in protean. You might try upping protein to see if that curbs your hunger.


    I didn't realize it was! I'll send you a friend request...which I should have done already. :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Thank you, Holly. And it is really good advice that Dan gave about helping others to help ourselves. Dan's a pretty wise guy. :)
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    LeAnna, thanks for posting your struggle! That is exactly how I've been feeling lately, and I did take a little 'break' from logging only to find myself back in the patterns that got me where I was before starting MFP. I might not write a lot on here but I do read posts daily.

    Dan, you have a way of saying exactly what I need to hear, even when you arent speaking directly to me.

    Holly, I had to smile when I read the "fake it till you make it" quote. Very true - like smiling before you answer the phone. Doing positive things brings positive results.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I had such a long weekend!
    Saturday was my daughters cheer competition and it was the one our team hosted so we were really busy, Sunday we shovelled snow all day long! It took 4 hours to clean half out parking pad, it's a 4 car pad and our neighbours are older so we were trying to help him too! Next year I am going to keep it down to the pavement even if I have to freeze doing it! It's crazy!

    So today I am really sore and a bit sorry I came to work! The problem is I came with my mom and I don't have a ride home so I might as well stick it out! Thankfully we have our team meeting today at 2 so it's really a short type of day!

    I see my doctor next Tuesday (the 18th) so hopefully she is pleased with my work this past month I know I didn't loose exactly what she wanted me too but I have been working hard and it has been showing :)

    Well off to plan my performance goals for the next year!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Leanna, Just remember that on the days we lack motivation... habit can help keep it going. Make a routine that you follow. It can help. I know what you're going through. You just don't feel like it. You don't think you're getting results fast enough, so why should I? That's why your goal shouldn't be to lose weight... that should be a byproduct of your main goal. Your goal should be to become healthier and make mini goals to get you there. (eg,10,000 steps a day(or more) or your daily calories) I'm watching the snow melt outside for the last week. So that I can start walking the kids to school and biking them to the park to play... but I still have to find things to do today. What can you do now that you couldn't do a year ago and keep that in mind, when you start to slide. 5 years ago I couldn't ride a bike. Last year my butt wouldn't fit in the playground slide. Who knows what it could be next year!

    I have a head cold that has been pretty nasty this weekend, actually passed out once and had to call in sick to work. I'm feeling a bit better today. My son either caught mine or my mom's cold and had to leave school early. :sick: Poor thing. I am not looking forward to the next couple of days. Still snow is melting!!! I'll still smile for that! :happy:

    Oh! and fake it till you make it, applies to everything I do! lol!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Today I was feeling more like my normal self...if such a thing even exists! One of my friends shared a picture with me and suggested I spend some time looking back through the pictures of me at our RV park's events over the past few years. It was an eye opener! I was feeling as though I wasn't make much progress, but when I look at the photos, I obviously am changing shape. I think I'm going to add some more pictures to my profile so I'll not forget where...and why...I started my journey.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Today I was feeling more like my normal self...if such a thing even exists! One of my friends shared a picture with me and suggested I spend some time looking back through the pictures of me at our RV park's events over the past few years. It was an eye opener! I was feeling as though I wasn't make much progress, but when I look at the photos, I obviously am changing shape. I think I'm going to add some more pictures to my profile so I'll not forget where...and why...I started my journey.
    Leanna, Have you tried going on a liquid only diet for a few days, if it's carbs you're needing to kick? You can get enough protein using Unjury or Syntrax or Protein shakes. Glad you're feeling better!

    Great group you'all!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Today I was feeling more like my normal self...if such a thing even exists! One of my friends shared a picture with me and suggested I spend some time looking back through the pictures of me at our RV park's events over the past few years. It was an eye opener! I was feeling as though I wasn't make much progress, but when I look at the photos, I obviously am changing shape. I think I'm going to add some more pictures to my profile so I'll not forget where...and why...I started my journey.
    That's a great idea!!!!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Leanna, Have you tried going on a liquid only diet for a few days, if it's carbs you're needing to kick? You can get enough protein using Unjury or Syntrax or Protein shakes. Glad you're feeling better!

    Great group you'all!

    I know liquid only diets work for a lot if people, but just the thought of it terrifies me. My numbers are usually pretty balanced, but I think the sugar in the alcohol has a part to play in my evening hunger feelings. But mostly, I just need to remember to relax and not get focused on my goal weight and more on my goal lifestyle.