
sarahcyr3 Posts: 28 Member
Hey!! Does anyone else enjoy finding new places through running? I like to call it runsploring. Running + Exploring
When I find a cool place or I am proud of myself I like to take a picture and post it on instagram. you can follow me @ sarahcyrisms. This is seriously the best motivation. I can't wait to build up my endurance so I can go farther and explore more. Maybe the reason i always failed before is because I did the same routine every day so it got very boring.


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Running can be *SO* many things.

    You can run a known route, one where you know every bump with your eyes closed.

    You can run a trail where you need to keep your eyes wide open for rocks and roots.

    You can run a different way around your neighborhood and see things you've never seen before.

    You can do a track or hill intervals and completely exhaust yourself against the challenge.

    You can go for an easy run in the early morning to add a little zing to your day.

    You can run alone or with your kids or with your best friend or with a new group of people.

    You can run without any electronics at all and just listen to your breath and your feet and the birds and the wind.

    You can watch a movie on the treadmill.

    You can run a competitive marathon.

    You can let your three-year old win a 100 foot sprint.

    Be whatever runner feels good to you.
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    This is one of the reasons I love running outdoors.
    I was considering running every road and trail in my city and seeing how long it would take me.
    Its interesting the things I never knew were nearby.