Day 9 check in

Gooood morning.

Day 9 DONE and 1 of 2 pure cardio sessions for this week...I actually enjoyed it today and it seemed to go quite quickly. Im looking forward to the introduction of cardio abs as i'm missing doing ab work.

Happy day 9 everyone xx


  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    Great job! I'm looking forward to cardio abs too. We'll see how I feel about that though once I'm actually doing it :ohwell:
  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    Day 9 done!! Amazingly pure cardio was a lot easier this week than last week (must be getting fitter!) although I did have to have a few breaks in between - 12 minutes is a ling time to be pushing yourself my hrm kept beeping throughout :-S . Feel really good at the moment even though I have a cold I'm in high spirits and really looking forward to tomorrows workout(must be crazy!)

    Well done everyone keep up the good work! We can do this!!
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    Day 9 done!! :)

    Definitely easier to complete than last week!!

    I still have problems with the moving push-ups... push-ups for me are HARD and I can only manage a few at a time right now.

    I feel great!! Ready to tackle the day!!

    Let's go kick some booty!! :)

    Have a great day!!
  • I added cardio abs last wk as an extra and will do it again today. Already finished pure cardio just having a bite to eat then will do cardio abs.. it's not that bad.. of course it's challenging but not bad.
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    Wont be able to do it til after work today. Is cardio abs today or are we talking about the future??
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    Completed day 9 this morning. I think I got about an 8 for effort, I lacked energy today, and while I kept pushing myself to keep going I just didn't have the energy this morning to do what I wanted. I'm a little nervous about the cardio abs, mainly because I workout in the morning before work and I'll have to make sure I have time for both.
  • Wont be able to do it til after work today. Is cardio abs today or are we talking about the future??

    As far as the Insanity Calender goes we start to ad Cardio Abs on Day 13 .. but I guess its whatever you are ready for

    I enjoyed the Pure Cardio today more than I did last week and was able to push through harder.. I'd rate my effort an 8 today
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Pure Cardio done. I agree with all of you it was a lot easier this week than last. Definitely able to push harder than before. Plus im not so worn out. Must mean its working haha
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I am finding things getting easier. Like I couldn't get my knees up in high knees before, but am seeing surprising amount of improvement there! Also I was able to get that real deep lunge stretch on one side today!
    However, the in/out, push up drills still kill me. I was only able to do 5 of the pushup jacks!!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Did it! *falls over* I was able to take less and shorter break but I'm still tired and want to crawl somewhere and be cuddled...
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    PureCardio done... Effort... Prob a 7... PUJ are jus push-ups from my knees for now... Looking forward to getting stronger... But I still suck for now... LOL.. Jus being real with myself... I have a long ways to go...
  • Oh yeah baby! My favorite 16 minutes of it all. My "quik dry" workout shirt is drenched, and my hair is a mess. Its that kind of workout where you smell your pheromonic scent and know you are giving it your all. Oh yeah. Protein shake, here I come!

    Round 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit tonight (Wednesday)