calories in vs. calories out



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Thanks! I appreciate is not easy to work and still totally embrace the lifestyle change needed to be serious Paleo/Primal. I can anything I can to avoid the sugars and high sodiums. I make the mayo, the "ranch", plum ketchup...all the condiments as well as all the daily meals. But hey my family and I are worth it!

    I'm a single mom (zero contribution from father- in fact if I let him in the house he will steal anything and make long distance phone calls!), I work full time, and even have to homeschool to make up for what they aren't doing at school (no clue what she actually does in school but she isn't learning reading, spelling or math), and a full time homemaker/cook/cleaner since going Paleo. And I still think I'm lazy because I recognize there is much room for improvement. lol

    I make most of our own condiments too. Mayo and baconnaise are our staples. I did find an acceptable prepared ketchup for my little one and we use it so little (I hate ketchup and I limit nightshades) that making homemade isn't really helpful for us. I take some minor short-cuts and fly in quite a few items with acceptable ingredients so that isn't ideal but makes everything tolerable. I spend an incredible amount of time cooking and cleaning most weekends so. I do the best I can/am willing to. And it's completely worth it. Nothing makes me prouder than feeding my child healthy food.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    We have this problem at school too and it drives me nuts! My kids are given candy as rewards for doing well academically. I have mentioned that I don't want them rewarded with food on the start of year information sheets (and that we we are GF) but it is ignored. Luckily, my gluten intolerant son cares about his health and understands the consequences but he is still offered crap all the time. Right now the school is having a contest for February where, if the child achieves 60+ items on a checklist they get a t shirt, the items include getting 60 minutes of exercise, eating 5 fruits and veggies, and, yes, not having candy or soda. Um, way to sabotage when they get candy at school.

    I don't understand the need for food rewards and supplying processed food at school. Nothing with a brand name should EVER be offered in a school! I'm not even allowed to send my own food for afternoon snacks because the kids will "fight". So snacks are usually crackers, cookies, processed fruit snack, jello, pudding, etc. Nothing but crap and only occasionally an apple or cut up veggies.

    My child won't avoid the foods on her own, and because she knows that crap is in the cupboard, she has been caught in the classroom "stealing" food. Unfortunately, we have many kids that don't get enough food at home so food in the school is a necessity, but…. Behavioural/health problems are also the norm so I don't understand why providing healthier food isn't a priority. The breakfast program are commercial cereals and bread and then it's crackers in the afternoon and then we have a bunch of special ed teachers for all the "bad" kids.

    My child is VERY spirited and behaviour is a constant issue. The school knows what I do at home but won't follow the guidelines for her at school. Many of the staff don't even know how to read a label or understand what things contain wheat, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. It really sucks. I can only imagine how much better all the kids would be if they were provided real food. No oranges, nuts, fish, etc allowed in school due to allergies (maybe people should be questioning why so many healthy foods are now hurting kids!) and they even say they have a "no sugar" policy… not even close. But the smoothies are made with artificial sweeteners because of the police, but the cereals, jello, fruit snacks, candy rewards are acceptable….. I'm so confused!

    Most parents I talk to here say that candy as a reward in the school is a necessity. What?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    We have this problem at school too and it drives me nuts! My kids are given candy as rewards for doing well academically. I have mentioned that I don't want them rewarded with food on the start of year information sheets (and that we we are GF) but it is ignored. Luckily, my gluten intolerant son cares about his health and understands the consequences but he is still offered crap all the time. Right now the school is having a contest for February where, if the child achieves 60+ items on a checklist they get a t shirt, the items include getting 60 minutes of exercise, eating 5 fruits and veggies, and, yes, not having candy or soda. Um, way to sabotage when they get candy at school.

    I don't understand the need for food rewards and supplying processed food at school. Nothing with a brand name should EVER be offered in a school! I'm not even allowed to send my own food for afternoon snacks because the kids will "fight". So snacks are usually crackers, cookies, processed fruit snack, jello, pudding, etc. Nothing but crap and only occasionally an apple or cut up veggies.

    My child won't avoid the foods on her own, and because she knows that crap is in the cupboard, she has been caught in the classroom "stealing" food. Unfortunately, we have many kids that don't get enough food at home so food in the school is a necessity, but…. Behavioural/health problems are also the norm so I don't understand why providing healthier food isn't a priority. The breakfast program are commercial cereals and bread and then it's crackers in the afternoon and then we have a bunch of special ed teachers for all the "bad" kids.

    My child is VERY spirited and behaviour is a constant issue. The school knows what I do at home but won't follow the guidelines for her at school. Many of the staff don't even know how to read a label or understand what things contain wheat, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. It really sucks. I can only imagine how much better all the kids would be if they were provided real food. No oranges, nuts, fish, etc allowed in school due to allergies (maybe people should be questioning why so many healthy foods are now hurting kids!) and they even say they have a "no sugar" policy… not even close. But the smoothies are made with artificial sweeteners because of the police, but the cereals, jello, fruit snacks, candy rewards are acceptable….. I'm so confused!

    Most parents I talk to here say that candy as a reward in the school is a necessity. What?

    Ugh. I'm glad my line of work can allow for working odd hours and at home (provided I find the right company or go into business myself). If my son's school was doing that, I'd start home schooling him pretty much immediately.

    To be fair, I'm guilty of using candy as a reward (we're having trouble potty training him, so we've been using whatever works; for a while after Halloween, candy was one such thing, which we've weaned him off as he's phased out of it being motivation), but I'm still the parent, and it's ultimately my choice for what to feed him. If I explicitly tell them that something is off limits for him, I expect them to heed that.

    I know not everyone can do that, so perhaps there's a way you could educate the teachers on reading labels (and maybe reading comprehension in general)? It would be one thing if they at least tried, and was keeping the obviously wheat/gluten stuff out, but thought, say, oatmeal, or the cream soup that uses flour as a thickener (but they didn't know it did), was okay. At least with that, they're putting forth a good faith effort. What they're doing with your child is just plain disrespectful.
  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    I too was really shocked at the vehemence Paleo and clean eating questions were responded to on the main forums. I had (naively it seems! ) assumed people concerned enough about their weight to join a calorie counting forum would be supportive of all questions and food choices. I mean I don't usually accost strangers or even friends about their eating habits, however awful they may be! The Poptart Brigade (someone else used that term to describe these folks, and it made me giggle :)) seems pretty convinced though that you can consume any amount of factory and unnatural foods and still lose weight. Which of course, maybe you can, but will you be healthy!!?

    Kudos to all you moms and dads out there working so hard to make sure your littles get nutritional food! I can only imagine how much hard work that requires, as only feeding two of us (and the dog, who is now diabetic and requires insulin shots twice a day due to SUGAR in dog food for crying out loud!!) keeps me pretty tied to my kitchen, which Is ok, as I enjoy cooking and have really enjoyed finding ways to remove the factory food from our diet. I always get lots of compliments from my food as well, as everyone loves to come here to eat as my food tastes so nice! Which is much more a credit to the taste of real food than to any cooking skill on my part :)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    We have this problem at school too and it drives me nuts! My kids are given candy as rewards for doing well academically. I have mentioned that I don't want them rewarded with food on the start of year information sheets (and that we we are GF) but it is ignored. Luckily, my gluten intolerant son cares about his health and understands the consequences but he is still offered crap all the time. Right now the school is having a contest for February where, if the child achieves 60+ items on a checklist they get a t shirt, the items include getting 60 minutes of exercise, eating 5 fruits and veggies, and, yes, not having candy or soda. Um, way to sabotage when they get candy at school.

    I don't understand the need for food rewards and supplying processed food at school. Nothing with a brand name should EVER be offered in a school! I'm not even allowed to send my own food for afternoon snacks because the kids will "fight". So snacks are usually crackers, cookies, processed fruit snack, jello, pudding, etc. Nothing but crap and only occasionally an apple or cut up veggies.

    My child won't avoid the foods on her own, and because she knows that crap is in the cupboard, she has been caught in the classroom "stealing" food. Unfortunately, we have many kids that don't get enough food at home so food in the school is a necessity, but…. Behavioural/health problems are also the norm so I don't understand why providing healthier food isn't a priority. The breakfast program are commercial cereals and bread and then it's crackers in the afternoon and then we have a bunch of special ed teachers for all the "bad" kids.

    My child is VERY spirited and behaviour is a constant issue. The school knows what I do at home but won't follow the guidelines for her at school. Many of the staff don't even know how to read a label or understand what things contain wheat, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. It really sucks. I can only imagine how much better all the kids would be if they were provided real food. No oranges, nuts, fish, etc allowed in school due to allergies (maybe people should be questioning why so many healthy foods are now hurting kids!) and they even say they have a "no sugar" policy… not even close. But the smoothies are made with artificial sweeteners because of the police, but the cereals, jello, fruit snacks, candy rewards are acceptable….. I'm so confused!

    Most parents I talk to here say that candy as a reward in the school is a necessity. What?

    Ugh. I'm glad my line of work can allow for working odd hours and at home (provided I find the right company or go into business myself). If my son's school was doing that, I'd start home schooling him pretty much immediately.

    To be fair, I'm guilty of using candy as a reward (we're having trouble potty training him, so we've been using whatever works; for a while after Halloween, candy was one such thing, which we've weaned him off as he's phased out of it being motivation), but I'm still the parent, and it's ultimately my choice for what to feed him. If I explicitly tell them that something is off limits for him, I expect them to heed that.

    I know not everyone can do that, so perhaps there's a way you could educate the teachers on reading labels (and maybe reading comprehension in general)? It would be one thing if they at least tried, and was keeping the obviously wheat/gluten stuff out, but thought, say, oatmeal, or the cream soup that uses flour as a thickener (but they didn't know it did), was okay. At least with that, they're putting forth a good faith effort. What they're doing with your child is just plain disrespectful.

    Yes I'm pretty angry/frustrated with my situation much of the time. I'm not in a position to change things right at this moment though. Quitting my job just isn't an option unfortunately. I'm the only person running the show and I have to do and be all things. If I could figure out how to live without earning money (or win the lottery) I will be a full time homesteader and stay at home parent.

    Our teachers aren't all actually educated and there are certainly issues with comprehension, but they've all been told how healthy those crap foods are…. so, what to do? Our local nutritionist is worse than useless. The school justifies their poor food choices by saying they have to rely on what the stores give them and that any food is better than no food. To a point.

    Yes, I feel ignored/disrespected/thwarted/ridiculed/patronized and all manner of things. I'm always getting told how much my child is misbehaving and how difficult she is yet they refuse to follow my food guidelines. But it's always my fault: I don't read enough to her, play enough with her, discipline/reward her enough/correctly… on and on. I bite my tongue, do my best not to punch people out (cuz I feel like doing that a lot of the time) and just try to keep on keeping on.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member

    Eat twinkies and garbage all day and stay in a calorie deficit with hours of cardio, they all clap their hands and congratulate you. Decide you want to focus on eating veggies, meat, and dropping processed foods and grains and everyone goes crazy.
    This guy said it best.