March 2014 Fitness Challenge



  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    put baby in the backpack and went for an hour long walk yesterday. Hoping to get on the Wiifit tonight.

    The Wii is so much fun! Enjoy!:happy:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    I've lost 16 pounds of the 30 I put on during my pregnancy. Baby is 1 week old. I am planning on being 20 pounds down by the end of March so I need to lose 4 pounds this month.

    I've lost 3.8 more pounds and am at 19 pounds lost since having baby. Only need one more pound to reach this months goal. Maybe I should change my goal.

    lost 6.5 pounds so far this month. Changing my goal to reaching 160 by April 1st.

    You rock! Keep it up! :bigsmile:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    March 3rd = Baseline determined and noted
    March 10th = -3/4#
    March 17th = -1/2# from basline ( so up 1/4 from last week)
    I will weigh in again on weds as sometimes Mondays aren't my best weigh in day.

    + Got in all my workouts
    + met goal of no more than three alcohlic drinks for the week (2 5oz wines and one light beer)

    -not eating at as much a deficit as I'd like. Set my daily goal to 1770 with the idea of staying there or under regardless of workout claories burned. If do it right then I 'd be set up to loose a 1/2# a week. Its so easy to eat over and not feel like I ate much....

    How is it going?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Mel,
    I'm still here. Spring break this week so didn't weigh in as the scale I use is at work.

    March 3rd = Baseline determined and noted
    March 10th = -3/4#
    March 17th = -1/2# from basline ( so up 1/4 from last week)
    March 24th= ? not weighed in yet this week

    ? I don't if I had any this last week....:tongue:

    I've decided to stopped food diary log in for a while and use portions and food groups at about 1600 kcals. It's spring break so I will be a little off I think.
    -I pulled my S-L joint (low back pain) over the weekend and seeing a back cracker tomorrow. So I will mostly walk and stretch this next week no weight lifting.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Everybody is working hard and making progress!
    I have a COLD today. No energy to exercise. BUT I also am not hungry, so at least I am not struggling with calorie issues. Still, I LIKE to exercise.
    Hopefully I'll be able to have an early AM workout tomorrow. Mornings are rough with a cold!

    Are you feeling better?
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    got my Zumba on :love: :love:

    Love Zumba!!!! I like Zumba, but I am somewhat uncoordinated. I like to hang out in the last row, then the instructor turns around and suddenly the last row is the first and the center of attention. :embarassed:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    oops I never updated.

    End of February I started a program called the 21 Day Fix. workouts and eating plan. After the 21 days I lost almost 6 pounds.

    I have since put one, maybe one and a half back on. I somewhat expected that and I've gone a bit over-board. Now looking to keep it even before starting up my next program.

  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    March 3rd = Baseline determined and noted
    March 10th = -3/4#
    March 17th = -1/2# from basline ( so up 1/4 from last week)
    March 24th= ? not weighed in yet this week
    March 31st= -1#
    My goal was a total loss of 2# so half way successful.

    +Generally just eating less, exercising fairly regularly.

    -just had spring break so harder to stay on track with dieting, etc.
    -hurt my back so not as active as usual
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I've lost 16 pounds of the 30 I put on during my pregnancy. Baby is 1 week old. I am planning on being 20 pounds down by the end of March so I need to lose 4 pounds this month.

    I've lost 3.8 more pounds and am at 19 pounds lost since having baby. Only need one more pound to reach this months goal. Maybe I should change my goal.

    lost 6.5 pounds so far this month. Changing my goal to reaching 160 by April 1st.

    well, I made it to 161.8 not quite the 160 I hoped for but I'm happy with it.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Congrats to all of you that met your goal or made progress toward your personal goals. :drinker: Bravo! :happy: March proved to be extremely challenging for me. I did not lose anything, but I maintained. Maintaining is a win for me! I hope everyone will take on April's challenge. :wink: