12months and 32Kgs lost and stable

So heres my hopefully brief jourrney so far not to much detail you can ask questions if you want specifics basically just a big change in diet and exercise.

on the 20th of February last year approaching my 40th birthday in 4 days i was hitting a midlife crisis so to speak, i was 111Kgs (245lbs) roughly and about 40% body fat

a new Goodlife Healthclub had opened up just a 7 min walking distance from my home, was determined enough was enough and it's time for a change, i felt like crap anyway, constant chest pains, and depression didn't help i had also lost both of my 12 year old dogs the year before they were one of my few motivations to keep living.

I joined the gym on that day and here too within a day or two, and my first session was on the 22nd.

moving forward 2 weeks later, i was busting my *kitten* gong to the gym every day and walking every night i lost 3 Kg's in the first week, during the second week i finally got to see my complimentry trainer but during the induction and required fitness test he discovered my blood pressure and heart rate were way too high and refused to go any further or allow me to use the gym til i got a note from a doctor so off to the doctors and an eventual referal to a BP clinic for a 24hr monitor. The result of that was my Blood Pressure was at critical levels, approaching 220 during exercise which is 100 above the recommended normal and during rest periods i was still atleast 140 which is 20 over. and my heart rate was very erratic aswell.

Doctor put me on blood pressure medicine and i stayed on those for 6 months til the refill prescriptions ran out at which time i had a falling out with the doctor and told her to shove it and haven't taken any since but by that time i had lost over 20Kgs my Blood pressure had been well within healthly limits for over 2 months and has only spiked a few times since...

I continued on my busting my *kitten* at the gym too often and eating way too few calories. worked for getting rid of weight but i now have alot of pocket skin so be a warning to people trying to lose too fast.

in that whole 12 month period since i first joined the gym i've platued numerous times and gone through the what the hell do i have to do to keep losing.

and in conjunction with a Polar FT70 Heart Rate Monitor and a Fitbit Flex calculated my Daily Expendiature has been around 2600 for the past 6 months so i eat around that now and eat less on rest days and at maintenance or near on workout days, have upped my strength/resistance training considerably compared to the first 5 months that were pretty much all cardio or bike. I have been really trying to lose weight since november last year, if i lose anymore awesome if not it's all good, more trying to tone up and get rid of some of the excess skin, my ideal weight based on "norms" is only another 3Kgs anyway but my body fat seems to refuse to drop below 23% regardless of effort thats never been professionally tested tho so it may not be accurate.

my macro ratio that seems to work has always been 35/35/30 Carbs/Proteins/Fats tho i tend to eat lower then that in carbs/fats and eat abit more Protein using Whey Powder shakes 2-3 times a day.

Haven't touched Ice Coffee, McDonalds, Hungry Jacks, KFC's, Potato Chips, Chocolate by the block load, Cordial, Soft Drinks in 12months. all of which i use to have hooked upto my veins for along time

Current status 370 days
41yrs old, 175cms
Waist around 97cm down from 120cms.
Hips i can fit easily into size 87cms down from 107's being too tight.

fluctuate between 78.4-80 Kgs. (32Kgs lost) body fat is stable at 23%, Vo2 rating is 60 which is fit compared to 20 i was to start with.
clothing size has gone from XX-XXXL being too small to now a medium/large is too big

Sorry nothing i can do about the skin color i don't tan other then the arms, legs and neck upwards and the butt ugliness is genetic:P.


  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Your looking fabulous! Well done on such a huge success and keeping at it for wellness sake. Congratulations!

  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    awesome job!
  • lizstyles2013
    lizstyles2013 Posts: 34 Member
    Well done you must be very strong willed to give up everything!!
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Well done you must be very strong willed to give up everything!!

    or pigheaded :) only strong willed when i want to be
  • HappyTravels
    HappyTravels Posts: 22 Member
    Good On You Paul Thats A Fantastic Loss. Never Mind The Lack Of Tanned Torso. Im With You, There Are Parts Of My Body Which Havent See The Light Of Day Since 1972 :) Youre Looking Fabulous
  • donnaleighh
    donnaleighh Posts: 178 Member
    Awesome, awesome work Paul!