Cause / Effect of Insanity Results?



  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    Abbie_T and tmcoyle - thank you!

    I do try to watch my nutrition overall, and try to avoid a lot of processing. Where I fail in that is: 1.) dark chocolate (manna for me), and my meat is typically precooked in the store. I prefer a lot of protein; I feel better with it. I eat almost no grains (high bran cereal with almond milk), though I *love* all types of cereals. That has been a sacrifice for me.

    When not doing Insanity (I'm taking a break, as that first round was hard on my body and difficult to motivate myself at home to do it - if I could have done it at the gym, I'd have been much better off! lol), I am concentrating on 15-20 minutes heavy weight training 4x weekly and 30-45 minutes brisk walking (to not overshadow the strength training), 4-5x weekly, plus lightly active weekends. I've also cut back my calories yet another 500, but I'm soooo hungry (so I workout more to gain the exercise calories). tmcoyle - I really miss horseback riding, training/practicing for shows :(

    I will have to look up the 21 Day Fix to get a better idea of what I can eat that is high protein but a healthy version. I do eat almonds and coconut oil for my fat, occasionally avocado in my egg white omelets. I'm not eating a whole lot (or variety) of veggies and very few fruits - they never make me feel satisfied, though my mainstay for lunch is a spinach salad.

    Abbie_T - I never drink sports drinks, mostly just purified water. I do treat myself usually once every two weeks with a fountain diet cola. I've heard the sweetener debate, but when it comes down to it, I know me and know I am going to drink my decaf coffee or my hot or iced tea sweetened (one way or the other), so it might as well be the 'best' of all the evil artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, but I am trying to lessen the amount, to drink these things less sweet and get used to the flavor (my concession haha).

    For me this is frustrating in that I keep reading how I can't eat too little or my body won't tolerate the exercise to improve my body (and worse could adapt to the lower calories as my new TDEE), but eating much higher I won't have enough deficit to lose.

    I am definitely looking more into the nutrition; maybe I can find a course or seminar locally on it.

    Thank you both!
  • bellabananas
    bellabananas Posts: 20 Member
    I'm really glad I read this post because I've been struggling with feeling like I'm not seeing any results. But if I'll be seeing that with month two then I can hold out for that!
  • Uwillmissme
    Hey, all… I have two Insanity topic questions, but I'll post them separately. First off, I have a Cause/Effect complex question...

    I know there are several posts of people simply asking for results or opinions on the Insanity workout by Beachbody. I’m looking for a bit more complex answers if you’re willing to share.

    Currently I am just over a week from finishing up my first round of Insanity. At first I had good results, then overnight my weight and inches jumped back up. I’m thinking it’s water weight gain, but it’s still frustrating. I haven't weighed myself in weeks due to home chaos rather than a choice. Measuring myself (belly, anyway) is pointless as I can measure ten times in one sitting and get ten numbers, but I think I am slightly tighter in the abs, but the fat's still there. Anyway, I wanted to get a bit more in-depth in the cause/effect results of others so I can get a better level of expectation for myself.

    If you have completed at least one round of Insanity (or close to it), would you please share your results? Did you lose inches, weight, both? Significant cardio or agility improvement?

    Also, to help pinpoint what it precisely was that ‘worked’ for you, did you make a significant change in your diet (more calories, less calories, cleaner choices, et cetera), or were you already eating ideally for you? Or did you only change workouts? Did you come from little or no exercise, or was this just a change in intensity, duration, type? Did supplements play a part? Increase in water consumption, more/better sleep? Did you see immediate results, or not until month two, or even round two? I’m looking for what *change* made your workout successful, particularly for inches/pounds lost.

    Thanks, everyone :smile:

    I was just about to start a topic on this! I just finished my first month if insanity and my legs look better than some male body builders. Lol I've always been in decent shape but bigger is not what i was going for. I'm trying to get stronger and toned while slimming down. Did anyone else have this problem? Do you lose the extra inches in the second month or is this out of the norm?