Running my first 5K tomorrow!

purplybob Posts: 51 Member
So excited - running in my first official 5K tomorrow! Started running this year - completed the "Couch to 5K" 8 week program (free phone app!) Basically it harnesses the power of incrementalism...the program started with my running 60 secs then walking 90 seconds for 20 minutes...and each time you walk less and run more until by end of 8 weeks you run 3 miles. Lesson for our program in that too...small steady growth equals big one day at a time!


  • brilliantcoe
    brilliantcoe Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck! I have done 3 since becoming abstinent/coming back from relapse/breaking my leg. The last one I did in 46:39. Last night I was curious and I looked...the 5K I had done just before breaking my leg I did in 46:59 so I am actually faster now! I didn't do any formal training program - I started off walking in October for a mile at a time, and that took me 30 minutes. Then I built it up, Did my first 5K in December and clocked 51:03. My next 49:15. Then last weekend 46:59. Now my goal is to get under 40 minutes in 2015. I think it is attainable. Have fun tomorrow!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I hope your 5k went well, how exciting! I ran my first a couple of years ago, it was a mid run . I plan on restarting C25K because it's been well over a year!
  • purplybob
    purplybob Posts: 51 Member
    I did it! Ran the whole way, didn't walk, my time was 33:35. Finished 170th out of 364 overall. They haven't posted age group results yet.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    That's awesome, congrats on a successful run!!