Optional Mini-Challenge: Week 1



  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    March 4....

    Physical: Do 100 jumping jacks every day this week....DONE!!!

    Mental: Research Health At Every Size (HAES) and, in this thread, respond to your findings....still waiting on the book from my local library.

    Diet: Set your calorie goal to no more than 1800 every day this week....under 1800 calories today.

    You're reading the actual book! I'm so pleased to hear it! Best book ever, seriously. It changed my life. I love it.

    Yes, I actually picked up from the library this evening and i will start to read it tonight. I can't wait!!!
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    I'm doing the 1800 calorie or less per day. Doing good so far. This challenge has also forced me to get moving again. Thanks for the challenge.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I'm doing the 1800 calorie or less per day. Doing good so far. This challenge has also forced me to get moving again. Thanks for the challenge.

    Good Job! You are doing great!
    We all are just beating this challenge down.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    March 6th
    Did I complete mini challenge #1 100 JJ broke into 55/55!
    Did I complete mini challenge #2 Interesting. I got a lot form it. Wish it had been mandatory reading for me and my kids.
    I am going to try and follow the info!
    Did I complete mini challenge #3 Cal goal is below 1800.

    Remember I couldn't even jump in Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, and part of Jan. I am doing it now!!!
  • garzadrive
    garzadrive Posts: 94 Member
    On the HAES website, I found a link to a website about BED (Binge Eating Disorder). Sounds familiar to me! :)

    So, I am checking out that BED site. This list of health complications from binge eating was a wake up call to me.


    "People who are obese and also have binge eating disorder may be at greater risk for several potentially life-threatening complications, including:

    Type 2 diabetes
    High blood pressure
    High blood cholesterol
    Gallbladder disease
    Heart disease
    Certain cancers
    Joint and muscle pain
    Gastrointestinal problems
    Sleep apnea

    To feel encouraged, and not just scared, I looked at the BED webpages about recovery and some happy success stories.




    And I found out that my new (Obama Care) health insurance covers free therapy with certified therapists and nutritionists for treating binge eating! Thank you Obama Care!
  • garzadrive
    garzadrive Posts: 94 Member
    I didn't know what PCOS was, so I googled it. Here's what I found.

    "Polycystic ovary syndrome (say "pah-lee-SIS-tik OH-vuh-ree SIN-drohm") is a problem in which a woman's hormones are out of balance."

    Yep. My hormones I would say are out of balance. And the binge eating of "comfort foods" can be a cause of that???? Yikes!

    I want to not only accept myself the way I am, I want to learn habits of treating myself with love, and not in ways that damage my precious health.

    Thank you for this mini-challenge this week! It has been very helpful for me. And I hope for others, too.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    I didn't know what PCOS was, so I googled it. Here's what I found.

    "Polycystic ovary syndrome (say "pah-lee-SIS-tik OH-vuh-ree SIN-drohm") is a problem in which a woman's hormones are out of balance."

    Yep. My hormones I would say are out of balance. And the binge eating of "comfort foods" can be a cause of that???? Yikes!

    I want to not only accept myself the way I am, I want to learn habits of treating myself with love, and not in ways that damage my precious health.

    Thank you for this mini-challenge this week! It has been very helpful for me. And I hope for others, too.

    Right on. I think one of the most revolutionary things we can do is love ourselves.
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