Brand New Here -- Due Sept 2014!



  • sdsmart
    sdsmart Posts: 25 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm due 23 Sept!

    I was a bit surprised that the OB wanted me to watch my weight because I thought I was tracking maybe on the high side of normal but not off the chart and I had never heard of a pregnant lady on a diet! Nonetheless, I was probably indulging a bit too much in ice cream so happy to cut that out.

    I was almost in shock when the dietician told me to eat so little. I'm not going back to see her again. I was pretty disappointed with the overall experience. At 1800 calories a day there is pretty much no room for eating junk or treats once you have factored in all the good foods and nutrients the baby really needs so I'm keeping with that for now but if I feel hungry I will eat more.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    How are we doing everyone? Just wanted to check in! I'm almost 32 weeks now. We're getting so close to the end...there is bound to be someone who delivers early in our group. ;) (Not me, I'm sure! LOL)

    Has everyone been working on birth plans? What is your plan? Has anyone else been spending time on trying to map out the baby's position? I heard mine was breech a few weeks ago, so I've been kinda focused on it. I'm pretty sure its turned now, though, b/c i always feel feet at my navel. And i've been feeling more pressure at my cervix. Still, this baby is SO high, its crazy!!! I've never carried this high before. Its actually painful on my left side. I'm not sure if its pressing against something inside. Or maybe I'm just getting older! lol

    I would love to hear what you've all been up to!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Nothing too exciting going on over here. 33 weeks tomorrow, so 7 weeks and 1 day to go. Not that I'm counting! :laugh: I was 3 days over due with my first, so expecting to go around my due date or a bit late again. Little nugget needs to stay in until at least the first week of Sept (37.5 wks) because we live far from our families (plane ride far) and that's when the first set of "helpers" show up. And by "helpers" I mean my inlaws. Husband and I agreed to have my parents come up to stay with us about 10 days before my due date. They got a good deal on tickets 9 days before. Fine. Then hubby got it stuck in his head for some reason that I'm going to go into labour early, so he asked his parents to come stay with us before my parents arrive, and they wanted to come up for Labour Day, which would have meant WAY too long of a visit from them (2 weeks). I like my inlaws, but they stress me out (esp MIL) and would create more work for me, and I pretty much had a panic attack about it. I convinced hubby to talk to them and shorten their visit, and while I'm still not looking forward to it, I'm not quite as stressed. My parents arrive at about 38.5 weeks and don't have a departure date because we don't know when baby will show up. I'm nervous I'll go way late and we'll have house guests for a month or more (it's exactly a month between the inlaws' arrival and the last day I could go overdue before being induced, and I'd like my parents to stay a week after baby arrives). I REALLY enjoy my own space, and having visitors, even my own parents, starts to get to me after a few days. The possibility of sharing my home with others for that long, especially at the end when I'm uncomfortable, cranky, hormonal and anxious, has me anxious! Anyway, that was kind of long and rambling and rant-ish....

    Haven't been working on a birth plan. To be honest it's one of those things I've kind of forgotten about! Last time the big things on my plan were that I didn't want an episiotomy, I'd rather tear (ended up with both!), no forceps/vacuum, let the cord stop pulsing before cutting, and I wanted to hold the baby right away. I'm using a midwife this time and it's standard to let the cord stop pulsing, they don't do episiotomies/forceps/vacuums, and they let mom/baby bond for a while before doing weight, etc, so I'm not really sure I need to do a plan this time. Oh, I have made a decision about location, though. I went to a home/birth centre info session a few weeks ago and it put my mind at ease about some of the concerns I had (big discussion about what constitutes an emergency, what would happen with x situation, etc), so I'm going the birth centre route, but hospital is still an option if I decide I need an epidural.

    My little nugget was head down at my u/s a few weeks back, and same at my last two appointments, so hopefully it stays that way! I was getting a lot of cervix punches for a while (nice!) but they've stopped, and now at night when I'm in bed I feel feet running along my ribs and it makes me squirm because it almost tickles. My separated pelvis hasn't been as bad this time around, and I think it's because I'm a SAHM now and not sitting with my butt parked at a desk all day. Goes to show that sitting for 8 hrs a day is not good for you!

    We need to get our daughter into her new room/big girl bed ASAP, which is the big thing looming over our heads right now. I wanted her in there as soon as our last guests left, but it's been taking hubby a while to get through the painting, plus we didn't have anywhere to store furniture (she needs a dresser and mattress) so we couldn't pick it up in advance. *Hoping* to have her in there on Sunday night. Should be interesting. She's a ball of energy but normally a good sleeper, but I'm worried she'll be on the prowl without a crib to keep her contained and we'll be in for some long nights...

    We have names! I'm getting my way with our girl name again, and we've decided on a boy name that I'm okay with and hubby really likes. So we each have one name we love and one name we're compromising on, which is fair.

    Haven't weighed myself in about a week and a half, and I have to say, ignorance is bliss! The scale was making me cranky despite my best efforts not to let it get to me. I'm not sure when I will weigh again, maybe at 40w or when I go into labour. I was up about 35lbs last time I weighed, so fully expecting to see 45-50 at the end. Ah well. It will come off.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Glad to hear things are going well! I just started seeing a chiropractor last week ( FINALLY!!!) and I love her! I've only had 3 adjustments so far, but can feel a huge difference. (though its made me really sore) and baby was head down at my midwife appt on Saturday! (after 2 adjustments...coincidence? ;) )

    Now that I know that big hard lump at the top of my uterus is bottom, I'm trying to do more deep squats, etc. I really need to get back into walking, but I just don't make time for it. I've been doing well with weight gain, except for this past week. I haven't weighed myself, but I had major carb cravings and ate a ton of bagels and cream cheese, cereal, and bought a bunch of snack food (that I haven't eaten yet...I'm hoping to dole it out in small portions). But last week, I was up 39lbs at 33 weeks, which was just 9 lbs gained in the past 10 weeks!!! In the past, I was putting on 2 lbs a week during the 2nd trimester, so I've been ecstatic to keep it to a pound a week. However, I doubt I will like my weigh in this Thursday...maybe I'll skip it! LOL

    I think I have to do the GBS testing at my next appt. I'm going to buy some hibicleanse from the drug store and do a cleanse beforehand, just to avoid the whole abx argument. I plan on using hibicleanse during labor as a preventative anyway.

    I keep thinking about how little time is left and getting sort of anxious about taking care of everything I need to. While I don't think I will go into labor before my due date, you never know!

    Here is a pic at 33 weeks:IMG_7075_zps91e3e26f.jpg
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,

    It's been awhile since I've posted on here! I ended up getting super swamped at work back in July and things are just now starting to calm down a bit! Tomorrow I will be 38 weeks (took a new pic today!) and for the most part I feel good most of the time. I Definitely am at the stage where I feel huge, and I feel like I am just sweating all the time. Also since about 36 weeks I started having intense back pain and menstrual like cramping that comes and goes. While I know this is just my body's way of preparing I am starting to find it a bit frustrating because the back pain gets pretty intense so that it makes it hard to do or concentrate on anything else and usually last 8 to 12 hrs, also every time it happens some small part of me thinks oh this may be it ... any minute now and I'll start having real contractions only to be disappointed when they never come :/ For now I just keep praying for patience and keep telling myself that she will come when she is ready to come! Also I am trying to enjoy these last few days to weeks of being pregnant because they will be over soon!

  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    @Destanie= Howdy stranger! Glad things are calming down for you! I am feeling the crunch, too. I haven't had any time to start doing my own preparations. I'm hoping to not go into labor before my due date.
    You look great! So sorry about the back contractions. Are you able to see a chiropractor? I wonder if it would help. I never had back contractions like that in my past pregnancies, but I've been getting a doozy of one whenever my husband and I get "busy" and finish. Sorry if thats tmi, but its new to this pregnancy. I think its b/c my whole uterus contracts. In any case, I hope you are able to enjoy the time left and that you are able to stay relatively comfortable! Hard to believe baby will come any time now!!! :D
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hey Meggwyn! Thanks for the encouragement! I was getting prenatal massages that felt wonderful, but haven't booked any recently mostly due to financial reasons. I sure hope I go into labor before my due date and I hope you do as well! Were you early with either of your other pregnancies?
  • verbenaverbena
    Hi all,

    This is my first pregnancy! I've been slowly increasing my kcals as I get hungrier. I'm about 31 weeks and have gained 20 lbs (5'2", 104-108 PP). I've been trying to do prenatal yoga or pilates on most days of the week and was walking 30-45 min a day until this recent heat wave.

    Feel free to add me. ;)
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey Meggwyn! Thanks for the encouragement! I was getting prenatal massages that felt wonderful, but haven't booked any recently mostly due to financial reasons. I sure hope I go into labor before my due date and I hope you do as well! Were you early with either of your other pregnancies?

    Nope, not early on purpose anyway! My first, I was induced at 41 weeks b/c of hbp. With my second, I was induced at 38W 4 days b/c they were really aggressive about avoiding hbp. (I didn't have it, but they were really insistent).

    This one is totally not engaged at all, so I'm assuming I'll be going late again. Then again, this is the first time I've done chiropractic care and having things in proper alignment might make it all go smoother. I seriously am not ready, though! LOL

    I hope yours is here soon! :)
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hi all,

    This is my first pregnancy! I've been slowly increasing my kcals as I get hungrier. I'm about 31 weeks and have gained 20 lbs (5'2", 104-108 PP). I've been trying to do prenatal yoga or pilates on most days of the week and was walking 30-45 min a day until this recent heat wave.

    Feel free to add me. ;)

    Welcome and congratulations! :)
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hey Meggwyn! Thanks for the encouragement! I was getting prenatal massages that felt wonderful, but haven't booked any recently mostly due to financial reasons. I sure hope I go into labor before my due date and I hope you do as well! Were you early with either of your other pregnancies?

    Nope, not early on purpose anyway! My first, I was induced at 41 weeks b/c of hbp. With my second, I was induced at 38W 4 days b/c they were really aggressive about avoiding hbp. (I didn't have it, but they were really insistent).

    This one is totally not engaged at all, so I'm assuming I'll be going late again. Then again, this is the first time I've done chiropractic care and having things in proper alignment might make it all go smoother. I seriously am not ready, though! LOL

    I hope yours is here soon! :)

    Well at least you have some record to base this one on! I feel like I have no idea when she will come! and that is what is driving me nuts! I did find out today that I am 1.5 cm dilated so hopefully it won't be too much longer :)

    Was the waiting for your first worse than for subsequent pregnancies?
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey Meggwyn! Thanks for the encouragement! I was getting prenatal massages that felt wonderful, but haven't booked any recently mostly due to financial reasons. I sure hope I go into labor before my due date and I hope you do as well! Were you early with either of your other pregnancies?

    Nope, not early on purpose anyway! My first, I was induced at 41 weeks b/c of hbp. With my second, I was induced at 38W 4 days b/c they were really aggressive about avoiding hbp. (I didn't have it, but they were really insistent).

    This one is totally not engaged at all, so I'm assuming I'll be going late again. Then again, this is the first time I've done chiropractic care and having things in proper alignment might make it all go smoother. I seriously am not ready, though! LOL

    I hope yours is here soon! :)

    Well at least you have some record to base this one on! I feel like I have no idea when she will come! and that is what is driving me nuts! I did find out today that I am 1.5 cm dilated so hopefully it won't be too much longer :)

    Was the waiting for your first worse than for subsequent pregnancies?

    Thats exciting! Maybe she will come before your due date! :) The waiting was actually easier with my first, even though I went past my due date. I just enjoyed the whole pregnancy so much (despite having major swelling, carpal tunnel, and working full time throughout). But I was just so happy to be pregnant and enjoyed every stage. I was DONE with my second by around 32-34 weeks when I started feeling SO huge and uncomfortable. The funny thing was, I weighed a lot less than my first pregnancy, had no swelling, was a stay at home mom and very active. You'd think I would have enjoyed that pregnancy more! lol But it just stopped being fun. I think thats why I let myself give in to doing the induction. (I had really wanted to avoid interventions, but they were insistent and I was over being pregnant.)

    This time around, its gone by so quickly and I"ve been so busy that I haven't had a lot of time to prepare, mentally or physically. I *just* started putting together my birth kit and grabbing a few essentials b/c I realized that technically, the baby could be here any time over the next 4 weeks!!! It just seems crazy! And as much as I want to meet this new baby, I'm a little anxious about how things will change. I've gotten so used to the independence of my 3 1/2 year old and 7 year old. Its going to be weird to be tied to a little person 24-7 again! But I really love newborns, so hopefully it will be an easy adjustment!

    Oh man, I just realized I have to order a new copy of The Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg, too! I lent out my other copies to a couple of friends and never got them back. Its my survival guide for the newborn stage! LOL
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Well September ladies...its our month!!!! Can you believe it?!?!

    Who is due the beginning of the month? I'm not due until the 25th and assumed I'd go past my due date, but I've been getting pretty strong BH lately. Lots of cramping in my lower back, too, and an increase in CM (cervical mucus) discharge. Tmi, sorry! lol Body is definitely getting ready, so who knows? ;)

    How are you guys feeling? Noticing any changes?