Black Girls Workout 2 - March Challenge

mstisha325 Posts: 10 Member
Is anyone starting the march challenge today??

I absolutely love this video but have struggled with losing weight due to my eating habits. I'm really trying to change it this time. I love the chilli recipe so I will be having that this week for lunch and will try stir fry and brown rice for dinner this week


  • SassySavingSistah
    SassySavingSistah Posts: 3 Member
    I'm unofficially doing the challenge since I am not doing all of the requirements per instagram e.g. posting pics daily of my meals, etc. But I am working out with the video and I'm eating the soup and trying to make healthier choices overall.
  • Naturally07
    Naturally07 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm following, but not completely. So you have both DVD's, I haven't purchased the second DVD yet. I'm wondering what changes they made to the new meal plan.
  • AdinaEden
    AdinaEden Posts: 20 Member
    I started on 3rd! It's going well. Even though it fell on the week I started my period, which is usually a time when working out is either the last thing on my mind or very challenging, I pushed through and worked out everyday.

    I got a good result the first time I did the first DVD last year but hadn't been consistent with it. Now I'm focused and serious and seeing changes already just like I did the last time :D Bring on Day 21!!!