March Madness!

jennabfitt Posts: 5 Member
Happy March Challengers! I hope you've all had a chance to play around and get acclimated to myfitnesspal. Feel free to ask me any questions about the program if you are having a hard time. Also, don't forget to friend me (JennaBFit10)!

I've been looking at some of your logs. My biggest observation is the lack of vegetables in the diet. So here are my top tips & tricks for eating veggies! Vegetables fill you up and are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Tip #1 – Get Saucy!: I like vegetables but sometimes I need to jazz up the flavor. I love taking Wegman’s simmer sauces and sautéing some kale (or any vegetable you like) in the sauce. Stir fry sauces work well for this as well (just watch the sodium in whatever sauce you use)!

Tip #2 - Hide and seek!: This is a great trick, especially if you have little ones you're cooking for at home, who also don't like their vegetables. I make mac-and-cheese (try this recipe from Rachel Ray- and mix a vegetable right into the mac and cheese.

Tip #3 – Taste the rainbow!: Next meal take a look at your plate. The more colors on your plate the better. You are guaranteeing yourself a dose of healthy vitamins and minerals when you eat foods that range in color.

Tip #4 – Juicy!: Not all juices and smoothies need to be made with sugary fruits and mixes. Using a fruit such as an apple or mango (sweet but not super high in sugars) and adding spinach or kale, in addition to anything else you may have lying around, is another great way to sneak in some vegetables. (Trainer’s tip: Make sure to remove the stems from leafy greens and cut up before putting into your blender to ensure they get blended really well!). Here’s a recipe worth trying-

Tip #5 – Not a farmer?: I know fresh produce can cost a pretty penny, especially in these harsh winters. That doesn’t mean you can’t eat your veggies! Keep an eye out for deals at your local supermarket. If fresh produce isn’t in the cards, go right to the freezer section. They have made great advances in freezing and shipping vegetables, and you can find some great frozen vegetables nowadays. Just stay away from canned vegetables when possible, they pack a lot of sodium!

There you have it Challengers, my top tips and tricks for incorporating more vegetables into your diet. Your challenge this week is to try and find a new way to get those veggies in. Also, try a vegetable you’ve never had before.

Keep your mind open and your belly’s full when it comes to veggies!
Good luck Challengers!