NROL and Nursing

Hi All,

I'd love some advice on doing this program and nursing (breastfeeding) at the same time.

I just started NROL4W on 2/28. I have done 4 workouts so far. I already feel as though my supply is starting to be affected in a negative way. I suspect it is because I am not eating enough now that my body is needing more fuel for my workouts and nursing. Here is what I am doing:

I am using MFP to track my food. My goal is set for 1621 calories (the number the book's calculations gave me, with a 300 calorie deficit). I use a FitBit Force to track my step-based activity (which logs in MFP automatically) and log my weight lifting workouts in MFP (which only equals 151 calories for 45 minutes). I usually eat back all of my exercise calories, which is normally between 300-400 calories per day.

I am 5'3 148 lbs 27 years old.

If anyone has any advice or can tell me if my numbers look okay, I would really appreciate it! I am loving the program and don't want to stop doing it.

Thank you, so much!


  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Are you entering "breastfeeding" into your calories in MFP? Make sure you are getting extra calories for breastfeeding. The book does not take breastfeeding into consideration. You need at least 300 cals/day to support a milk supply.
    I did not have good results breastfeeding and cutting calories. My supply dwindled quickly.
    My suggestion would be to eat at maintenance cals (or at a very small deficit) for a few weeks to a month and see what your weight and your measurements do. Then reevaluate if you still want to eat at a deficit. Cut cals sloooowly (100 or so a day for 2 weeks- then reevaluate). 1900-2000cals a day at your age, your activity level, and breastfeeding doesn't seem like it's enough to support a good supply to me. I wish I knew of some better resources to point you to, but I can't find any at the moment.