Started Level 2 tonight!

SHenn84 Posts: 9 Member
Hey ladies,

Ok, so I didn't have much energy tonight and was contemplating whether or not to work out. I wanted to, but wanted to be lazy. Well, I got off my *kitten* and decided to try level 2 tonight. I didn't think it was too bad. There are a couple of things on there that were challenging because you have to balance yourself, but other than that, I didn't think it was so bad! I can say I felt as if I really worked up a sweat more with level 2 than I did level 1, but it could've been because I had did level 1 for a week and I was used to it. Anyways, I feel great now and I'm really glad I got off my butt to workout. :happy:



  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    You go Suzie!

    I think level one is my least favorite for some reason, maybe cause I'm so out of shape, by the time I do level 2 and 3 I feel better. I also hate push ups in level 1.

    I didn't want to workout today, but I'm glad I did. It's hard fitting it in, but where there is a will there is a way.

    GL with your next workout!
  • SHenn84
    SHenn84 Posts: 9 Member
    I do hate push ups too, but they really are a good workout! I use to have to do 500 of them a night (not all at one time - over a 2 hours) when my dh and I were training kickboxing. =(