
mel521 Posts: 74 Member
daily thread


  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    I've been doing MWF, but this morning I felt like I needed to do something. I didn't want to jump into w3d3 so I pulled out 30 day shred and did level 1. I noticed that I did so much better with the cardio portions than I did before C25K. I think I'll try to do this on Tues and Thurs and maybe one day each weekend in addition to the C25K.

    Hope you're all having a great day! Can't wait to hear from the Thursday crew!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm currently on day 5 of 30ds. Doing this alongside. C25K. My day off c25k too, my son daughter and myself all go to karate on a Thursday. So cant fit it in. But did go out running with the hubby on his lunch break. My day off work too. Did 5k with stops and walking sections in 42 mins. Pooped now. My knees will be bad tommorrow.
  • rocketman_nz
    went back to W2D1 after struggling to do Week 3 for over a Week. can never last the final 3mins minutes.

    Going to try week 2 for 3 days straight then see if a can finally complete a week 3 run.
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    we did some made up week between week 2 and 3, its a big jump from 90 seconds to 3 minutes.
    we did one week at 2 minutes run and then another week at 2mins30 i think the walk sections were the same too but cant remenber.
    3 minutes is still hard work but couldnt have done it without the progress.
    we plan to do the same between 3 and 4 and include 4 minute runs instead of 5.
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Despite being tired most of the day, I completed W3D3 and am doing the happy dance (and stretches)! I ran for a full 5 minutes afterwards too. Its all a head game for me. If my head is in the right place I can do great. If I'm not motivated or a little negative or have music that is annoying, the endurance just isn't there. I wish I could figure out how to turn on this head thing that helps me be able to do endurance exercise! I guess I should just be glad that it was on today :-)

    And ... I just figured out that this is exactly as far as I got last time I used this app (mine is called 10k runner, but is the same as 5k for the first many weeks). I am oh so happy to be part of this group, because I know I can keep going.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Just back from Zen Labs Week 6 Day 1.... I was dreading it today after week 5 day 3 had me running 20 minutes and geez, what gives??? This was like a 5 or 8 minute interval (twice). LOL

    I had wondered why they just didn't make the program longer to not have someone run 8 minutes one day then the next day you're going a straight 20....definitely a bit advanced let alone for couch potatoes, lol

    Anyhow, pleasantly surprised at todays intervals, especially since it was about 80 degrees when I got out to the park. I still was eagerly waiting to hear the "start walking" voice as usual.

    Hope everyone else had a good run & those running tomorrow have fun!!
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Woot! Just romped through W4D1, with an extra 3 minutes on the end. Then 12:14:12:10 squats. Got honked at from behind by dudes in a truck. I'm sure they got a shock when they passed me and saw that I'm an older woman. LOL.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Not a running day for me, but i did a spin class for the first time.
    when I finished I jumped on the treadmill because I wanted to try myself out on the 10 minute run that I know features in week 6.
    Did it fine -- well, I mean I made it by saying just get to the end of this song, just do another minute, just see if you can get another 200m -- etc etc.
    All good, and getting ready for week 6 which has x 2 10 minute runs. ( I think some go straight to 20min run, but my app has 2 x 10 minute runs, broken by 3 min walk.
    For those of you who are women -- Happy International Women's Day!!!
    and Deb, very funny about the guys in the Ute -- do you think they were saying Happy IWD? lol.