3/7/14: H2O

Water is essential indeed our bodies are made up of anywhere between 51%-75% water! If we don't ingest enough fluid, dehydration can set in quickly. To gauge the importance of water relative to food, consider that severe dehydration can lead to death within a matter of days, whereas we can go for weeks without food.

It's important to realize that we can get our fluid requirements from the food we eat, as well as the fluids we drink. For instance, an orange is 87% water! Good sources of water are:
 Fruits & Vegetables
 Drinks, especially non-caffeinated ones like fruit juice
 And the best source of all… good ol water!

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor and 10 being great) how would you rate your overall hydration? What are some things you could do to increase this number? What are some good tips to staying hydrated throughout the day?


  • I rate my hydration a 7. I could increase that number by drinking more water. You can increase that number by carrying a water bottle with you.
  • I would say my overall hydration is a 6. I drink a bit of water throughout the day, but not much. I always drink a lot of water before I exercise. I could improve my hydration by drinking more water throughout the day, especially at school.
  • Ithink my hydration is 8. Idrink alot of water all the time. Ikeep myself VERY hydrated. ihave water right now:drinker: :laugh:
  • SaoA
    SaoA Posts: 5
    Do Gatorade and Coke count?
  • pereza21
    pereza21 Posts: 1
    I rate my hydration a 9.5. I would bring my water rate up by drinking more water. By doing that you carry a water bottle or a nalgene bottle.
  • linehanh
    linehanh Posts: 3
    I would rate my hydration an 8. I always have water at school and I try to drink alot at home. I also make sure to drinnk alot before and after physical activity.
  • I would rate my overall hydration a 8 or 9 because I carry I big water bottle during school days and even on weekends I would carry a plastic bottle on me when I’m going out. However I don’t bring a bottle with me when I go the gym because I’m worry someone might steal it so I leave it at the car. If I really want to maintain my hydration I would try to bring my bottle to the gym so I wouldn’t be dehydrated at the gym.
  • I would give myself a nine. I bring a water bottle with me everyday to school to drink instead of drinking things that arent good for me. I also eat alot of fruits and vegetables, you should see my fridge!
  • I rate my hydration 9 , i mostly drink water and rarely drink soda.:drinker:
  • rate 6. keep yourself hydrated by keep drinking water throughout the day.:love:
  • 7 i stay hydrated pretty well but i should eat more vegtables. I could carry a bottle of water with me and refill it throuhg out the day. i could also bring water when i work out.
  • SaoA
    SaoA Posts: 5
    Ahh yea thats real interesting.
  • 8 just drink alot of water throughout the day
  • I think my hydration is at 8. im always drinking water everywhere but i dont drink it with my lunch or dinner
  • I drink water alot but at time i forget and slip to drink pop or juice. My hydration is a 7.
  • Good for you
  • Try carrying a water bottle with you at school so that you can give your self a higher rate and keep your self hydrated.
  • Yeah you should stay hydrated. Especially if you work out.