Phase 3:Body Revolution

tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
I started phase three this week. The workouts are really really intense. I actually took a rest day mid week because I was just feeling washed out and exhausted.

During phase 1 I did the advanced modifications. For phase 2 I did the standard exercises. This week I have done the beginner modifications!

I am really going to have to push myself to finish! But I know I can do it. I am very determined.

But I am also a little disheartened by the results. I definitely see an improvement in the visibility of my abs, but I measured this morning and I had added two inches in my waist :( I'm not really sure what that is about. I did lose 2 lbs in February. So I'm not sure what is going on. It is not helping my motivation though!


  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    You got this! It's frustrating to struggle with new levels but they're intended to push us. I just finished the 2nd week of 7-8 but I'm going to do one more week at this level before I move on.

    I feel pretty sure the gain in your waist measurement is an aberration. You've come so very far ... Don't let it get you down. :smile:
  • yujinclara
    I started phase 3 today. Workout 9 today.
    It was quite hard but I did push myself to do all the moves without cheating.
    I did ok but got sweatier than any workout so far but I was able to do all the moves.
    I'll have to see how my body feels tomorrow though!
  • yujinclara
    My results so far:
    StartIng weight: Jan. 2nd 59.9KG (post xmas weight gain of 1.9kg)
    End of Phase 1: Jan. 30th 57.1KG
    End of Phase 2: Mar. 10th 55 KG (I took a week off workout between week 5 & 6)
    Total weight loss: 4.9 KG = 10.8 lbs

    It seems I didn't measure when I started. I was so disgusted with the amount of weight gained over xmas!
    I measured myself Jan 15th, half way through phase 1. I found that I had gotten back to my pre Christmas measurements.
    Measurement change so far:

    Chest: 92cm -> 89.5cm (-2.5 cm = - 1 inch)
    Halfway between chest and belly button: 70 cm -> 68 cm (-2 cm = -0.78 inch)
    Waist: 66cm -> 63cm (-3 cm = -1.25 inch)
    Two inches below belly button -> 78.5cm -> 79.5cm (-1 cm = -0.39 inch)
    Hips: 90cm -> 88cm (-2 cm = -0.78 inch)

    I am quite pleased with the results so far! Looking forward to the last stretch!
    It's going to be interesting cuz I have two overseas trips planned.
    Still, i'm all fired up !
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    I started phase 3 today after spending 3 1/2 weeks on the last half of phase 2. I did about as well as I expected but those rock star squats or whatever they're called were a joke. I am not that damn flexible lol. I'll I have to work my way up to those. :laugh:

    My shoulder is still lagging behind but it is progressing and I'm thrilled about that. :smile:
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Starting my last week. I will be glad to finish. I have not loved phase 3, and I am really ready to start something new! Partly I am frustrated a little with my lack of results. I do feel stronger, but I have lost not even one pound. And my measurements are pretty much the same too. And I still have a layer of blubber on my abs. I just looked at pictures from this weekend (candid shots so I was not "posing" with tummy in, etc) and I look just plain fat. I am really discouraged. For the last 2 months I have averaged about 1400 calories a day. So I was not eating really low, but I would think 1400 for 8 weeks should have resulted in at least a pound or two!

    Oh well, I will be glad to have a little more flexibility to work out outside (mostly run) now that the weather is getting better. I am planning on doing a program that is strength training three days a week. And then I will run on three other days and take one rest day.

    I am thinking of just giving up a goal of loss and see if I can just recomp, since I seem to be maintaining. The problem is that it is so difficult to verify fat loss without weight loss. My bodyfat scales bounce all over the place depending on hydration level. And spandex makes it hard to use fit of clothes as a guide.

    So discouraged.
  • VickiC11
    VickiC11 Posts: 2
    I just started Phase 3 and it is really hard but that's ok. I'm going to start the program over again as soon as I finish Phase 3. I have really enjoyed this program. I love the fact that weights, cardio, and yoga are all joined together. I will also start doing AdvoCare for the next 24 days starting April 7th. Does anyone have any suggestions about joint pain? I use bioflex and it has helped some.
  • yujinclara
    I took a three week break due to travels and family holiday.
    I was away in Australia for a week, back home for five days, then in Korea for a week.
    I was in phase three week 9 when I left.
    While I was traveling, I tried to stay active as much as I could and eat healthy but in reality not so easy!
    The good news is that I didn't put on much weight. About 200gms. Miraculous considering how much I ate.
    I am going to restart phase 3 and complete it the program.
    If I didn't take the break, I should be finishing tomorrow but Life happens and I have to work with it best I can.
    So here's to the final push to finishing Phase 3!