Adrenal fatigue - is it real?

Could anyone tell me whether it is a conventional-medicine recognized illness or does it belong more to the alternative medicine world? ( i.e. dare I mention it to my endocrinologist? )
Has any of you maybe been diagnosed with it / successfully treated? I'll be thankful for any stories..


  • jaz141
    jaz141 Posts: 32
    Adrenal fatigue is not recognized by most conventional doctors. There is an actual disease called Addison's disease which is a more severe version of adrenal burnout, whihc is recognized by endocrinologists.

    I am currently being treated for hypothyroidism/chronic fatigue/adrenal fatigue by my holistic M.D.

    My energy levels have greatly improved since starting Armour Thyroid and a couple of other supplements that support the adrenals as well as promote mitochondrial energy production. In terms of the adrenal supplement- I use Integrative Therapeutics Adrenal Complex.

    I'm not 100% where I want to be yet, but getting there.

    From my understanding (both from working in the supplement industry (I review research for supplement marketing claims) and having seen many a doctor for my energy issues), it's important to support the adrenals when treating hypothyroidism with medication, because increased thyroid hormone production can cause the adrenals to work harder. Apparently, that's why some people feel worse after they feel better on thyroid meds- because their adrenals couldn't keep up with the demand.
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for the info. I may ask my GP about it, as she is more open towards alternative medicine.
  • ashleyapplewhite
    ashleyapplewhite Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for the info. I may ask my GP about it, as she is more open towards alternative medicine.

    I believe it is, however it was my naturopath that diagnosed me. She did both a saliva and blood cortisol test. I can say that since I've been treated, I feel amazing. Whether or not that just 'all in my head' or not, I don't really care. I take this:

    2 in the am with breakfast and 1 with lunch.
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    My holistic dr gave me some natural supplements (I dont remember the name, I am at work and the pills are at home) that is supposed to quiet my adrenal gland at night for improved sleep. I can say that since I started taking the supplements, I have never slept so good.
  • ashleyapplewhite
    ashleyapplewhite Posts: 83 Member
    My holistic dr gave me some natural supplements (I dont remember the name, I am at work and the pills are at home) that is supposed to quiet my adrenal gland at night for improved sleep. I can say that since I started taking the supplements, I have never slept so good.

    YES! This! I sleep wonderfully. I will say it took about a month before I noticed an overall difference.