babynew Posts: 613 Member
Has anyone made it that with a GF grain & what did you use?
..I was thinking one of the Ancient grains?


  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    I love drinking rejuvelac.
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Which Grain did you use?..
    .. I 'm Gf,. And don't know if the sprouted water of the most used gluten ones would contain gluten,and affect me.
    Does anyone know this?
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I use rejuvelac to make vegan cheeses and I like to drink it as well if I have some left over. You can make it with any grain really - rye, brown rice, whole oat groats, etc. but I've only tried it with wheat berries. I've always wanted to try others & a friend is now GF so I'll have to give it a shot so I can make her some cheese. Good luck!

    ETA: My friend did say she can't have most vegan cheeses unless they say GF, so yes, I think you'd have to try another grain. I'd probably start with brown rice.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Rejuvelac is made from sprouted, fermented grains. I think it's pretty safe because of the enzymes that help break down the gluten (wheat protein). You don't get the benefits of those enzymes from unsprouted grains. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have Celiac disease.
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Yes,I've made my Raw cheeses that I love,but was wanting to add the tang of Rejuvelac,but was cautious of what to use because I'm extremely gluten sensitivie..
    Thanks,I was wondering I guess,if like say wheatberries sprouted,or kamut,or spelt would have the gluten properties?
    .. or if anyone has tried it with amaranth , or millet?