Give me some info & what are your macros?

Makoce Posts: 938 Member
I was attempting primal/paleo for a few weeks.
I enjoyed the low carb & sugar, as well as cutting out processed foods / grains / etc.

After two weeks I did good on a general basis, and felt better, but realized its not a long term thing for me.
Id like to be more relaxed and "eat clean" instead of restrictive. Still going to try not to eat breads / pastas and the like because I never really liked them anyway, maybe some whole grain oats here and there and if I do eat grains itll be whole grain -- but anyway, I struggle with binge eating. Thats why I was switching to primal because the high fat / protein & low carb kept me full.

Here's the thing, Im afraid that going back to eating fruits and whole grains in my diet will make me less full again .. and switch me back to binging. But I enjoy fruits very much, and have a hard time keeping enough vegetables in stock to fill the void.
Does anyone have a balanced diary that is public that I can check out? I dont want to have too much of fruits or something and spike my blood sugar, or something -- no idea, pretty uneducated, so can anyone educate me?

Also, what do you guys have your macros set to?
Mine is set to 25% carb, 30% protein, %45 fat .. but now I find myself over on the carbs all the time.
Where as before I was hitting under 20%
( my diary is public )

Anyone have advice or information, relative or not to my post, for me?
Im unsure how to make the transition and keep up my progress without hitting a muddy slide backwards


  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. I too love fruit but feel it triggers binges due to the sugar. I do very well on a paleo diet as it helps a medical condition I have. However recently I have totally lost the plot switched back to 80/20% paleo with some grains for breakfast and all my symptoms are back. Starting Monday I am back to paleo. My macros at the moment are 40,30,30 carbs, protein,fat but when paleo I do 25,30,45 I probably should lower the carbs a bit more but I run so feel I need some carbs. You can friend me if you want but my diary isn't perfect but hopefully that will change Monday.
  • becrobbie
    becrobbie Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Makoce, my diary is open if you want to check it out. I eat mostly Paleo except for the odd breakout. I will add you as a friend if you like so you can check it out.
  • dietenv
    dietenv Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'9'' 188lbs and MFP has my macros set at 55/30/15 carbs/fat/protein. However, mine average to 40/20/40 carbs/fat/protein.