
Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
This thread is to report any changes you may see or feel throughout the month.

You might just be feeling sore 30 days straight. Maybe you can feel your quads tightening from all the squats.
Your core getting stronger from those planks and push-ups. Did you drop an inch around your waist?

Feel free to share. :)


  • Strawn21
    Strawn21 Posts: 12 Member
    I fell off the bandwagon in terms of exercise due to a two-week sickness, BUT I watched what I ate (for the most part), and I've definitely noticed! Now instead of size 40 shorts/pants, I'm a comfortable size 38 :] I celebrated by buying myself a few pairs of shorts on clearance (I NEVER wear shorts because I always felt awkward in them), and they feel great!

    Now that I'm feeling better I'm going to start C25K over again and hopefully stick with it!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    I fell off the bandwagon in terms of exercise due to a two-week sickness, BUT I watched what I ate (for the most part), and I've definitely noticed! Now instead of size 40 shorts/pants, I'm a comfortable size 38 :] I celebrated by buying myself a few pairs of shorts on clearance (I NEVER wear shorts because I always felt awkward in them), and they feel great!

    Now that I'm feeling better I'm going to start C25K over again and hopefully stick with it!

    I'm glad that you are feeling better and have been doing well with your eating. Congratulations on the size 38!

    Good luck~!
  • Strawn21
    Strawn21 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! :]
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Missed a few days of the squat, plank and burpee challenges due to my moving this past weekend... need to do some catch up! Good thing is, even though I skipped my normal workouts, moving itself was a crazy workout of its own! I am still somewhat sore from it!

    On a really good note though as of this morning, I am down a pants size! Back into my 14s and I can once again shop in my favorite stores: Express, The Limited, etc! Excited to get back on track tonight and dig into these challenges!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    Down 5 lbs since the start of this month.