Day 11 ( 30 DS Challenge)

ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
I am so frustrated! It is like my lo knows that I have started the video and starts fussing .I have done the warmup twice and made it to the push ups once but that is it. He is so fussy and fighting sleep! Unfortunately there's no relief in sight BC my dh is working insane hours, like from 8am until 1-2 in the morning on some project for work. He works from home but doesn't even stop to eat much less to help me out. This sucks! Plus, my results from the first 10 days...gained a pound!!! I have to do better tracking my diet.

I did get a 3 mile walk in since he is good in the stroller. There is my silver lining I guess;)

Okay there is my rant. I hope everyone had a good workout and if the sleeping fairy visits I will do mine in its entirety. Level two looks hard!