7 Day Slim Down Thursday Meal Plan

amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
1. Keep drinking half for body weight of water per day!!
2. Do not drink water during meal times. If you MUST have something to wash down your food or take supplements, keep it to under an ounce. Stop about 10 minutes before and resume after about 30 minutes after.
3. Remember to POWER COOK. Have your brown rice and/or quinoa, sweet potatoes and chicken breasts prepped and ready to grab!

6-8 oz lukewarm (slightly warm, not hot or cold) water with a dusting of pink salt (very little!) plus the juice of about half a lemon.

Quinoa Pilaf with an Egg: Dice and sauté about 6 mushroom slices and 2 oz ground turkey breast in 1 tsp butter or olive oil in a non-stick pan. NOTE: SET ONE OZ (HALF) OF TURKEY ASIDE FOR YOUR SNACK. After 1-2 minutes add in a large handful of raw spinach and 1/4 cup quinoa. Let the spinach wilt slightly. Lightly season with sea salt, pepper, garlic powder and mustard powder (*Feel free to use whatever herbs and spices you like. You can also add in additional veggies :)
In the same pan, fry one egg "over easy" or "over medium" (so the whites are cooked but the yolk is still loose.)
Put egg on top of pilaf and serve, letting the yolk mix with the pilaf. :)


Spread 2 tbl hummus on one large lettuce leaf and topped with 1 oz. cooked ground turkey (or other meat)
Cut zucchini into sticks and dip into 2 tbl hummus. Serve with 1 oz diced chicken or other meat.


Big Salad: 1 cup spinach and 1 1/2 cups mixed greens, shredded (or diced) carrots, 4 oz diced chicken breast, any additional veggies that you would enjoy! Toss with Creamy Dijon Dressing from this challenge or mix up 1 Tbl olive oil, 1 tbl balsamic vinegar, sea salt, pepper and garlic powder. If you have them, you can add 2 tsp of sesame seeds, chopped almonds or walnuts.


1 apple and 1 Tbl. almond butter


Salmon: 1 salmon filet (about 5-6 oz). Heat sauté pan over medium heat. Coat filet lightly with olive oil and place in pan, skin side down. Season immediately with 1/2 tsp ginger powder and a sprinkling of pink or sea salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cook about 3-4 minutes then flip with spatula and cook additional 3-4 minutes or until fish feels firm to the touch and skin is crisp. Hint: Overcooking will make it dry!

Zucchini: You can actually cook these in the same pan as the salmon as they take about the same amount of time and heat. Simply slice the zucchini to about 1/4" rounds and sauté in 1 tsp olive oil or butter and season with garlic powder, sea salt and pepper. Easy!
If you are a high performance athlete have a sweet potato instead.

Sauteed Spinach: Heat skillet over medium heat and add 2 tsp olive oil, coconut oil or organic pure butter (no margarines or spreads!). Wilt and season lightly with a dusting of sea salt, pepper and garlic powder. Very little salt!

WATER (but not too much or you'll be up all night in the bathroom! Do your best to only need about 8 oz in the evening to round out the day).