Daily Chit-Chat



  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ally, I saw that you got your X3!! Have you started it yet? I just finished round 1 last week. I had purchased ChaLean Exrteme and Body Beast and was unsure witch one I wanted to do next. They are both muscle building programs. At my age I figure if I build more muscle it can only do me good ;) It was a tough decision but I started Body Beast on Monday. I am still going to run too. I am not following the nutrition plan this first round. To really commit to it you need to be okay with bulking up.....not what I want to do going into summer :p Let me know how you like it when you start! :)

    I hope everyone is doing well :)
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Diva,

    I started week 2 of X3 today. Love it. Of course. :)

    Body Beast??? Just the commercial freaks me out! Let me know what you think.....
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    I love straight weightlifting and I like to lift heavy! Body beast is just what I need right now :D Everyone I tell about Body Beast looks at me like I'm going to start taking steroids or something :p I am 45 and need to build the muscle! My body fat is 23% and I want it back down to 20%. I think this can get me there ;)

    SO HAPPY to hear you like X3!! It's full of Horton fun!! I miss Tony when I'm not doing his programs. ENJOY!
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    I hope you are all stil striving your your goals :)

    Happy Belated Mother's Day to the ladies here!

    I am in Block 2, Bulk of Body Beast and running when I can. I am struggling to get miles in. I went from 18-20 miles a week down to 6 miles a week for the last 3 weeks....and managed to eek out 11 miles this week! Running is a lot tougher with this program. Leg day wrecks my legs for al least 3 days of the week. Pushing through soreness makes each mile rough!! I am doing my best to push through it ;)

    Summer is almost here!!
    Have a great weekend guys!!
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Diva,

    I did a quick check in on your Beachbody thread.....thought I'd stop by here too and let Skill know I'm still going strong.....I'm on week 8 of X3....that would be transition week of Block 2. Only one block left. It's going by fast. I'm sure I'll do another round when I'm done....I really like feeling fit again.

    Hope all is well and that you are working towards health of mind, body, spirit. :)
  • DivaDeV
    DivaDeV Posts: 15 Member
    Ally, I responded to you over on my Beachbody thread since it doesn't look like anyone is checking in here anymore.

    Thanks for keeping in touch with me. I'm glad you are enjoying X3! :D
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Sorry guys for not being accountable to this group. Back issues got me down. I started a new group for 2015 bathing suit challenge. I'm working on losing 50 lbs in 50 weeks. If you are interested send me a message.