Day 13 (30 DS challenge)

dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
Shred time!!

I decided to weigh myself this morning. I was dreading it because I thought I probably hadn't lost any weight since my weigh in on Sunday. I'm so glad I weighed myself because I'm down 2lbs already. That has given me some extra motivation! I really needed that.

Looking forward to shredding at lunch. My knees have been super sore the past couple days.

Julie---good job with sticking with it too. :smile:


  • ecu_jules
    ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    Done! Whew, that was my first night on level 2 and it was definitely a challenge. Thanks Julie for the amazon tip, that's what I did. $2 well spent lol. I loved how Danielle was cheating and laughing at herself behind Jillians back haha. Those squat thrust things in the beginning were no joke, definitely looked at Anita for that. Pretty impressed Danielle did the whole set on those.

    Took the night off yesterday BC it was one of those "if it could go wrong, it will" kind of nights. Opted for the extra sleep. Feels good to be done and very sweaty.

    Good job everyone!!