Advice please!!

llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
I have been a cardio junky for awhile now and practically starving myself in the meantime. Realizing that no progress has come from any of that I am ready for something different. I keep being told that since I don't have much to lose, I need to lift heavy. I am ready to begin. My plan is to begin Stronglifts 5x5 today with the goal of losing fat (I am definitely skinnyfat), and TONING my body!

I am a little unsure of the calories that I should be consuming and my macros. I am currently low-carb and would like to stay that way, if possible. I have been given advice of eating at maintenance while lifting but this is still pretty scary for me. I still worry that I will gain weight from eating so many calories since I have been eating at a bare minimum for so long. Please help get me on track. Thank you so much!

Stats: 26 year old female
5 foot 7 inches
143 pounds
I am unsure of body fat percentage at this point. Waiting on my calipers to come in the mail :)
My diet is Low-carb & a minimal amount of processed foods
My exercise up to this point has been walking/running a little
