
mel521 Posts: 74 Member
daily thread

Good luck to all the Thursday runners!


  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    ditto, complete rest day for me today.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Ditto ...rest today and I have ZERO desire to even get up & move today.:noway:
    Best to all the Thursday runners!! :flowerforyou:
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    I was another rest person today. I had thought about going on a short hike, but the most I moved my body was to walk to/from the car. Looking forward to a good active day tomorrow ... Week 5 begins for me.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    2 hrs after I posted (today is a C25K rest day) I got my motivation and got some steps in (won't get my 10K of course), walked locally for a few miles, got too dark outside.

    @Kim..good luck with Week 5. For me it was the turning point, I was having fun till Week 5, lol

    Turns out I will be running tomorrow as planned, co worker backed out/had other plans so it's just me (she would do a 10 min run). Hoping its not one big long run but not going to ruin my nite or look tomorrow till I'm at the park.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Started the dreaded Week 5 today. It wasn't too bad, except it was soooo hot (25C / 77F). I'm going to have a well-earned dinner out tonight; no bad food, probably Japanese.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Oh dear, week 6 is going to be a 2 week process I think. I struggled with week 6 day 2 today - couldn't do the second 10 minutes. Walked it, but that is not the gig is it! I came home this evening and had another go of it, but just did the first 10 minute run. I will keep at it, and won't move up or give up till I can do it.

    By the way, I tried running outside which I had been avoiding thinking it would be more difficult. Not so sure - someone had said that the more distractions made it easier rather than staring at the dials on the treadmill. What do others think?
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member

    I do c25k outside but I do have a treadmill. Hate using treadmill in general but I can run (usually set it at 4 for speed) easier on it than outside. I think its the moving belt and all you do is really lift your legs, lol.

    Outside you are pushing yourself to move and yes I enjoy the air rushing around me and the sights & smells of the outdoors but the time ticks just as slow I think outside, lol. I get winded a lot faster running outside, and I'm taking baby steps, although perhaps running a bit faster outside on pavement than on the treadmill due to the path/incline/dips.

    I've read some posts in the forums about folks who only ran on treadmill then went to run a race in the real world and found it so much different than using the treadmill. Perhaps there are others here that are using both. I have never done c25k inside.

    Right now I'm dreading today's run, week 7 day 2. Supposed to be about 73 degrees but breezy, day 1's run was one LONG 25 minute interval.