Need help keeping up apearances, pointers?

Lohavio Posts: 12 Member
So all my life I've worked hard and passionately. And I never "had time" for girly stuff, like, washing my face, let alone makeup. Though in my last two jobs I did in fact paint and unpaint my face every day. But recently, now that I've become a SAHM, I've become motivated to look good to the world. I'd like to even out my skin tone, reduce my pores, and get rid of my wrinkles. I was wondering is it just me that put off taking care of myself for 20 years? And is there any hope for getting my youth back?


  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Oh my gosh, you are only 42! Your youth is definitely not gone - you just need to make up for lost time. There are a lot of procedures and products out there so I would recommend that you do your research. Also, facials and anti-aging treatments can be quite expensive so baby steps grasshopper...

    One good place to start is to use website deals like Groupon, WagTag and Teambuy for anti-aging and spa treatments. They have great deals and walk-in customers pay through the nose. The drug store products can be quite good (Neutrogena, Aveeno etc.).

    I would start with a good anti-aging facial (a deal of course!) since at the very least you will feel pampered. No need to start with the painful stuff :-).